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amanda lees Jul 6
Velvet green
Velvet blue
First kiss

Socks off

Pillow top

Shower water
Falling over my lashes
Between blinks
Between thighs

Floor pillows
Pushed against me
Hands caressing my chest
Lay me down

Velvet green
Velvet blue
Things end
With you





We touch.
I push
You pull.
I pull
You push.





You pull me close
I give in.
amanda lees Jul 6
I used to have such love for you,
Such compassion.

Resent fills the cracks in my heart
That you left.

I need to forgive
For you
For me
The tarots told me so

But I don’t know how to
Not yet
Not now.
amanda lees Jan 3
Am I crazy

For falling so fast

Am I crazy

for not being able to let you go?

Am I just crazy

for sacrificing myself for you

Am I crazy

That I miss you still
amanda lees Dec 2023
I smile now, when I think of the memories,
But not always.

But I don't cry anymore,
Well not always.

I try not to text you,
Ehh not always.

I know talking will make it worse,
But will it? Not always.

I get angry at you,
But not always.

I miss you and I love you...
amanda lees Dec 2023
Did you ever even love me?

I question this now.

Was I there so you weren't alone?
To hype you up?
Fill your void?
Fulfil your needs?

Then you left.

You say you still like me.

But did you ever love me?
Did you ever feel the way I felt?
Lose your breath when you saw me?
Feel the connection when we touched?
Feel like you've never felt before with anyone?
I did.

I'll never know how you truly felt.

But I question if you ever loved me.
  Nov 2023 amanda lees
He gave me dead flowers
So I can smell them every day
The rotten petals falling
The color of decay

The washed out sunflower
The dehydrated leaves
The mold on the water
The color of debris

The richly red rose
Now drooping to the floor
The color of love
Existed no more

But still I saved the flowers
And smelled them every day
And watered them with tears
To let them grow again.
amanda lees Nov 2023
I can't believe it's been almost 3 weeks since we broke up.

Why am I not ok yet?

Why are you fine?

Do you care?

Did you ever love me?

Or was I just here to make you feel better?

My heart aches.

I miss my friend.

I miss your touch.

I miss kissing you.

I miss knowing you.

Idk who you are anymore.

You feel so far away.

Why do I care?

Why does it matter?

It doesn't.

You'll be gone even farther soon.

I'm not important to you and don't know if I ever was.

I'll be here.

Hoping someone will love me the way I want. Wishing it could've been you.
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