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 Apr 2016 Sin
Little Bear
Prunes :o)
 Apr 2016 Sin
Little Bear
"Mum I've got a tummy ache
I think i'm not too well"
"Yes .. you do look a little peeky,
Oh dear.. what is that smell?"

"Did you eat something you should't?
did you eat something you should?
did you eat something really bad?
or eat something much too good?"

"Well I only had some prunes you see"
"How many?" .. *"twenty four..."

"good heavens take the toilet roll
and make sure you shut the door."

"Battle stations everyone,
someone hold the dog,
we might have to evacuate,
someone write the captains log!!"

"Stardate.. sometime this afternoon
someone ate too many prunes
seal them in the bathroom
and lock up all the rooms!"

It's going to be touch and go,
just stand in the door frame,
I've just bleached the ****** bathroom,
it'll never be clean again...
 Apr 2016 Sin
VS aka Jason Cole
Everything I am
Is underneath your skin

I know you're out there somewhere
You and the howling wind

You're the Devil's inspiration
My most beautiful sin
 Apr 2016 Sin
Mental Noise
 Apr 2016 Sin
My mind is filled with noise.

Sometimes the sounds of music,
Symphonies and orchestras.

But other times the sounds of failure.
Lack of accomplishment.

There are times when my mind is so intent
That I ensure my eating habits are not bent.

That I don't overeat, overindulge or have a treat.
Eat ice cream, and you will surely feel the heat.

The wrath of negative thoughts as they endlessly grow,
My mood dips into a bottomless low.

It's been a long battle, "I should be over it by now"
But sometimes those thoughts insist I'm a cow

I'll continue to fight to change my mind
And change its noise to a more melodic kind.
 Apr 2016 Sin
 Apr 2016 Sin
human mind
is like a shell
the outer form
remembered well

hard and white
with boney tips
pink and smooth
around its lip

whorled within
subconscious hides
we cannot see
the deep inside

but place the conch
to your heart's ear
be very still
and you will hear

set it there
and let it be
you will perceive
your mind's own


(C) 4/8/2016
good morning/afternoon/evening
to you folks worldwide!

It's beautiful here in Southern Arizona
The bushes are adorned in
Little crystal globes
From the rain last night

The sun shining through is a
wondrous sight!

Thanks for reading!
 Apr 2016 Sin
 Apr 2016 Sin
I love animals, especially birds of prey
And the eagle in particular is the one we'll discuss today
Majestic, wide wings and an almost regal personality
Seeing an eagle in flight is like watching your dreams turn into reality

Now, I didn't think of this solely for our heavily feathered friends
I thought of Eagles because someone reading this could think that the hard time they're in won't end.

Well, like an eagle, use the wind of the storm to carry yourself beyond the pain
We're all here for you, you're an eagle in all but name
 Apr 2016 Sin
strawberry fields
pretty names, but you have the prettiest.*
angel's white dust pushed around by
the dingy desert winds dry meadow murmurs.

heated leather seats, **** smooth leather pants
and slender, skinny beautiful body with
a name attached to it, smoke smelled
of burnt raspberries

and the conversation burned like them too,
i feel things for you and perhaps
transparently similiar damage
bleeding rubies out like sap

the conversations dripped like sap too.
 Apr 2016 Sin
MS Lim
 Apr 2016 Sin
MS Lim
Even tears
    do not know
    the depth
    of their own sorrow-

    will each tear cause
    a flower to grow
    from the dusts and ashes
    of the heart - perhaps tomorrow?
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