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You said you wanted to leave
I couldn't come up with reasons for you to stay
But this is what I would say...
Remember the trees during fall season
When the leaves drop
After few months, new and fresher leaves will spring forth
Leaves fall, leaves grow... The tree stays
I believe each leaf plays its part
Before it eventually departs
So, thanks for the season(s) you stayed!
I believe every person that comes into our lives has a part to play. The duration they will stay differs based on their role in our life.
the 'decree' of life, which i cannot breach,
tell me how to keep myself away from your reach.

You cannot save me from my own confessions,
all this sadness is making me Despair's possession

I know eventually I'll mess up and leave
because I'm bound to misery, and sorrow is what I heave

all the things I have learnt, and can't teach,
I'll pass them to you, and believe you'd preach

but don't let my words put you in a trance
don't forget I have a mask, 'cause all they need is just a chance
on a whim
the pain does not leave
broken hearts cannot cease
the tears cannot disappear
and deceitful smiles are all i can hear
I am sorry for the pain I put you through
The shame you bottle deep down
Though you have only yourself to blame
For why I am no longer around

Yet I feel guilt within
Should've held on a little longer
Promised I'd never leave you a thousand times
I thought our love was stronger

I learned nothing is what it appears
Not feelings or words trusted the most
Let the illusions fall one by one
As they crash I am forced to watch up close

You do not care how it makes me feel
To be neglected again and again
And endlessly stabbed in the heart
By the one I consider my best friend

Hoping to be more than a backup plan
You are cruel and careless sometimes
Sunshine warning heart's together
I can't compete with how radiant it shines

All I desired was to light up your world
Be better like you don't deserve
Lying to myself, I claim I tried
Over and over exasperation stabs each nerve

Dissatisfied with abilities
I resent you, myself, and all I'm not
Trying harder to accept flaws
Failure masks the good traits we've got

I'm a hopeless romantic
Painted the sky a false shade of blue
This is to let you know I'm sorry
It is not all your fault, I made mistakes too
There are two sides to every story
sadness whispers to me, in the frozen time
the rumors reached me in a melodious hymn

words resonates, in the aching sighs
memories, still living in these pretty lies

the moment her eyes met mine
all those walls cracked, and my world started to shine

In all those lonely nights with my broken self,
when no one came to save me from this hell
I looked forward to catch your eyes gazing at mine
and thought of getting mesmerized by your sweet chimes

I wanted to feel it down to the core
so when this dream is over, I grieve, I had to make sure

I'm running from this reality just once more
to fall for her alluring deep eyes once more

lunatic they may call me
but i found an eternity in her for me

even if its short lived it would become a part of my entity
all your adorable laughs will be with me for infinity
love is just an emotion just like any other that is why we hold on to
memories and let people go
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