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 Jan 2020 Michael A Duff
I want to open your body
find your emotions
don't let me speak
I want to close your mouth shut
you move so slow
I want to replace your bones

all of my memories with you
don't hug me to sleep anymore

I'm so unhappy
I wonder
did you ever make me happy

was I in love
or lonely
 Jan 2020 Michael A Duff
 Jan 2020 Michael A Duff
She was poetry
He couldn't read
My mistake
Was loving you too hard.
My regret
Was never telling you
That I needed love back.
When my brain won’t go to sleep
When my heart just feels too weak
When my sadness seems too deep
When my eyes begin to leak
......That’s when I turn to poetry
 Jan 2020 Michael A Duff
So much to say,
So few people to truly listen.

— The End —