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 Jul 2020 Melissa Rose
i am vulnerable,
stripped back to nothing;
i am a raw and open human nerve with
no way to keep out the world
oh its just how i feel

A dark brown swirling expanse of ocean of unknown my eyes behold,

But to make certain the uncertainty I trap it in the prison of a cup...
I try to see beyond the shape of the watery brew...but with no success...

So when the sinister opaqueness tugged too much at my curious mind... I added sugar to make it seem sweet... But when the sugar melted and disappeared into the abyss... The tugging anxiety returned to me again...

Could a little lemon or some cardamom make it a bit assuring?
I knew not...

Thus, I sat transfixed at the mysterious vapours rising from the depths of the ocean... which I know for sure my heart can never reach!
So often we ponder the reasons behind the situations we fall into...Why did it happen to me? Why did I have to cry? Such are the questions we ask ourselves...But very often we never get the answers... So it is better to give it a rest because some situations have too many reasons that are beyond our ability to decipher! Inspired from a cup of tea! Thank you so much for reading...! ❤
Is the cloudless sky....
Stretching above my head...

Is the bare ground...
That runs beneath my feet...

The only "finite" thing here is...
I and my life!
Random thoughts on the finitude of life and the infinitude of the world around me! Thanks for reading!
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