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 Sep 2016 May Asher
CA Guilfoyle
Tree, I have come to shelter and with the rain to weep
I am soaked, barefoot with mud running through.
Soft the moss, cool and cold
to soothe my heart that bleeds.
Our waxing nights of love and moons
now fallow, a field that burns.
****** our hollow bed
of haunting, silent screams
too soon the fiery devil
too far my lover
the spring.
Dear beautiful people thank you for reading my poem, and thank you too, for your kind words.

You will not see my shadow pass
the gate of mournings eerie dark
Nor hear my voice among the reeds
that grow above my silenced heart
No fondest kiss to furrowed brow
to quell the torment of your making
for you have left me here alone
to sleep the sleep that knows no waking.
The last line was pilfered from a Victorian grave stone. It was too beautiful to leave there.
 Sep 2016 May Asher
 Sep 2016 May Asher
Sadness makes me implode
Anger makes me explode
Why did everything have to fall apart so quick?
I thought our love was like glue and would stick.
You have to fall before you fly but what about those who don't know how to?
Might be part of another poem soon
Just 3 days offshore and my bones feel
like heavy bilge stones inside
the mattress of my body~
my shipwrecked eyes can barely see
far enough for freeboard hope
and ribboned blood moves as if it’s
turned blue without you
I sleep in a quarter berth of
dampened driftwood dreams
that lay on the sands of doubt while
wayward waves slam the ship
with salty bombshells working through
the night to gnaw my marrow
If you return to the slip to find my
ring of fire circumnavigation has
killed me once and for all
I want to apologize
Your Kevlar lines were the
only thing keeping us entwined

Written by Sara Fielder © May 2015
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