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 Dec 2014 Brie
Bidi Rliu Andrei
As you wish!

On a short and sweet notice, in a sphere of dissent,
You pinned an Excalibur of youthful delight.
Like a bullet of laughter through most gloomy torrent,
You carved the initials of an enduring Nile,

Draining the cowardly anguish scent,
A torrent of sorrow that comes to an end,
Ending the story that failed to descend,
To the end of the Nile and further dissent.
You carved a dissimilar unusual scent, portrait of the Nile!

No grass, no forest, no human or beast,
No flowers, no crawling creatures or gods from the East,
No birds or ancestors, no suns and no mists,
No other cosmic body that firmly exists
Will ever grasp the humblest desire to smile,
You brought into essence in this ravaged cryptic empire.

It suddenly stopped! The comfort, the fog, the sand and the sea,
Have suddenly plunged and crumbled to form a new entity.
A matter of time or awakening call?
I fail to remember. Illusion or not,
I desperately cannot recall.

Be that a dream? A marvelous touch of phantasmic thrill?
That guides the spirit from real to ordeal?
that all was a myth, and legend will stay
until you get absorbed like a paralyzed prey?
I desire to risk, no incentives for me to obey!

And who can possibly name the unnamed sensation drafted to stay
that clutches to you, bewilders your mind and stretches the borders of time!
No wonder we die, a natural body can fit an unnatural smile
Just for a while…

And reaching the terminal stage of creation,
Contend once again without a swing:
-Irrational mind with chained understanding,
And a singular thought that is free-,
I surrender to life, to death I aspire.
But until then, I’ll be wearing the smile you gave me.

As I desire…
Exalting at the beginning, followed by a state of confusion...and in the end there's only hope that keeps you hanging in there.
 Dec 2014 Brie
Phil B
I walked among a garden green,
well paved and split by beams
of fence posts new and densely lacquered,
This garden that man has gently shattered.

Far in I found small office blocks,
amid the green were charging docks,
and soon did I sit down and sigh
at tender faces -- eager for wi-fi.

The fauna made for a lovely sight
as joggers came and passed it by,
their music playing on phones strapped tight,
the moment was waste and so I cry,
For what life did lose to technology.
Composed in a city park.
 Dec 2014 Brie
vague rememberance
you know that feeling you get when you're at the top of a building, or edge of a mountain?
that urge to just poke your head out a tad to see whats beneath you?
the fact that if you make one wrong move you can easily fall to your death is breath taking.
see that's how i like to live.
to do things that are risky, but not letting them take control of what happens.
sometimes when ive had a little too much to drink i go to the top of my apartment complex and just look around.
i can sit on the edge and look over , but i make sure im not careless because i control what happens
sometimes when im in doubt i take my dads bullets from his gun and hold them in my hands and just think about how much power i actually have.
i can have harmful things around me but not let them ruin me.
the bullets with out the gun cant hurt me,
so the risks i take cant either if im within moderation.
again i say that feeling you get from looking down from a high area...
i love it
im a risky gal what can i say?
 Dec 2014 Brie
 Dec 2014 Brie
there is a noose hanging in my
and when I try to tell you I love you
it tangles around the words and
I start to choke
so I keep my mouth shut

and this is not to say that I do not love you but
love doesn't feel like a blessing anymore,
it feels like guilt,
it feels like another promise that
I will not be able to keep, it feels like
an apology that my lips will never speak.

when I try to tell you I love you
I remind myself that
you don't want me to anymore,
remind myself that
this is not what you want to hear from me,
remind myself that
you will not say it back.

when I try to tell you I love you it is not because
I think you need to hear it,
it is because
I want to say it,
it is because
that word has been eating a hole in the pit of my stomach for
too long,
it is because when I
repeat a word too many times
it stops sounding like one
so I'm hoping that if I say it out loud it will
regain its meaning,
it is because I do not know if it's true and
I want you to tell me it is,
it is because I am
and this is entirely for my own
benefit and/or destruction

and I am sorry because
when I tell you I love you it will be
the last thing I say to you.

— The End —