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I kissed her once and it was not enough
so I kissed again,then
we did other stuff.
Tomorrow we will kiss once more and
other stuff behind the door,
that which concerns the heart that yearns will learn to be in time,the pleasure being hers and mine,
and every time it's not enough,the kissing and the other stuff,but every time it's just as good as if it was the first kiss,
should she ask and want to know ,I shall reply and tell her so,tell her that my heart's on fire with kisses of a just desire and I just desire that single kiss but the other stuff is more than good enough,though
the kiss is what I miss,her lips on mine and one more time is not enough.
I see an ugly side of me that no one else can see,
And I wonder what would they do if they see this part of me,
This ugly, hideous, part of me,
Longing to be fixed, controlled, repaired.

Each time I try to change for the better,
Inevitably, I keep on succumbing myself to it, ****** in it,
Tormenting myself, and regretting what I've done, eventually,
Without fail, again and again,
Repeating the act.

Who am I lying to?
Not the world, but myself,
And who do I put the blame onto?
Not the world, but myself,
It's binding me tightly,
I can't get free,
Will never ever be.
I was happy and healthy and then you left me
I tried to move on I tried to do better
but whatever I did I could not
forget your smile or touch
I haven't eaten much
but I will be ok
Let's play a game
grab a glass and take a seat
let's play until you or me
can not rise to our feet
think about your lover
and where she is now
that she isn't with you
and the sweat above your brow

Did you over think?

think about your life
where you thought you'd be in 10 years
20 years ago
how you're holding back tears

Did you over think?

think about yourself
the man your parents raised
have you lived up to expectations
as your EKG plays

Did you over think?
And if a picture was worth
a thousand words
then my actions
should speak a thousand verbs

And if actions speak
louder than words
then let my speech
rise loud like a thousand birds

And if birds prove
it's possible to fly
then I can tell you
how I love you and why

And if a broken clock
is right twice a day
then maybe there's a chance
I can find the words to make you stay
 Jun 2014 MaskedAngelofPain
I love...
The way she smiles at the ground,
Whenever shes embarrassed.
The way that she makes funny faces,
When I take pictures.
The way she laughs at my stupid jokes.
How she says "I love you.",
And means it.
How she trusts me with the most important things in her life.
How she let me kiss away her tears.
How she turned to me,
When she needed someone to be there for her.
How she lets me kiss her cuts,
To make them better.
The way she holds my hand,
And leads me down the hall,
And marches on gaily,
Ignoring the comments people make.
The way she snuggles into me when we dance.
The way shes not afraid to be honest to herself,
And be who,
And what she wants to be,
Not what society wants her to be.
The way she loves me.
I wrote this a little over a month ago.
Maybe it's the way he walks
The way he talks to me
The way he changed so fast..
It breaks my heart
He looks at me like I'm nothing
He doesn't seem to mind anymore
He doesn't seem to care
I can't help but cry out for him..
I can't ask him to do that
I can't and I won't force him to choose
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