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 Jul 2016 Maloi
Poetry has a sensitive soul
A drive and impulse
Telling stories the way they are
Feelings of soberness
A heart felt word

Poetry has a sensitive heart
Beautifully immense
A heart of gold
Giving values to life
Adding years to life: Poetry is beautiful

Poetry has a sensitive soul
Like streams that meanders slowly
Like a river glorious: It Flows
Poetry has a sensitive heart,
A beautiful soul; A flying Angel.

Poetry is the signal
The soul sends into the world
Like the river, it flows into the sea,
yet the sea never gets filled.

Poetry is the fluid for the soul,
The liquid for the yearning of the Mind
That which quenches the fire
Feeding the deepest desires
Poetry is Gold in essence

Ovi Odiete©
May you find SOLACE AND BLISS in POETRY and may it be a MUSE for your Living.

I am thrilled that this little poem of mine has been chosen for THE DAILY POEM (19/July/2016)
Thank you all and thanks to HELLOPOETRY.
Regards, Ovi.
 Jul 2016 Maloi

If today were my birthday,
I know what they'd say
He doesn't look older,
not even a day

He moves a bit slower,
a methodic pace
And there are some new
wrinkles formed on his face

His hair is much thinner
up there on his head
and before the sun sets
he's heading to bed
But look at his poetry,
he writes about love
The moon and the stars
and the heavens above

He's still young at heart
and it flows from his pen
Especially when he writes
about her again

He looks quite the same
after all of this time
For age doesn't matter,
if he can still rhyme
 Jul 2016 Maloi
Kara Jean
 Jul 2016 Maloi
Kara Jean
I questioned tomorrow

Are you real or fake?
Am I afraid of you or do you make me stupid brave?
Do you love or hate?
Will you consider being easy on me?

Sadly, tomorrow had no reply

He just came

Day by day

Moment by moment

All I really can do is try to create my tomorrow today
 Jul 2016 Maloi
Dear friends , this is an old poem of mine which was composed after I learnt that one of my favourite Hollywood actor Richard Gere had become a Buddhist and believed in Zen Philosophy. So having read about Zen, I composed in a simple format about the same. Hope you like it. Thanks, - Raj.

                    ZEN PHILOSOPHY
With roots buried deep in soils of Ancient India,
And watered by the exotic blend of three different
Reflecting the mysticism of India, the pragmatism
of the Confucian mind, and the Taoist’s love of
naturalness and spontaneity,
Buddhism bloomed and blossomed into an exotic
flower called 'Zen Philosophy'!

In 475 AD a pupil of Buddha called Bodhidharma
went to China.
There the Mahayana School of Buddhism mingled
with Chinese Taoism, which evolved into Chan
'Chan ' derived from the Sanskrit  word 'dhyana',
which meant 'silent meditation',  -
Through which the Buddha attained enlightenment
and salvation!
Later, in 1200 AD this Chan philosophy travelled to
the shores of Japan,
Where 'Chan' got translated to 'Zen' by its many
followers and fans!
ZEN is the art of meditation to achieve inner awakening,
To gain intuitive knowledge, highlighting the inadequacy
of logical reasoning!
It therefore advocates the practice of 'zazen' or 'sitting
For acquiring inner awakening through silent

ZEN could be practised in our daily life,
Without entering a hermitage, leaving behind your
family or wife!
'Gain the naturalness of your original true nature',
-  preaches the Zen Teacher through meditation,
'Rather than through mere faith and devotion,
which is contrary to Zen notion.'
'One must awaken to this present moment to feel
this life,
And not waste time in speculations of an Elusive
The 'Enso' or the ‘circle’, is the Zen symbol which is
often deployed,
Symbolising Enlightenment, Strength, the Universe,
and the Void!
With this 'expression of the moment ' the Zen Philosophy
And today the ‘Enso’ is also the symbol of Expressionist
Never ask the Zen Master 'What is Zen, when, or how? ',
For he will always tell you, - 'Zen Is The Instant Now'!
                                                      - Raj Nandy, New Delhi.
Mahayana in Sanskrit means 'Great Vehicle', and is the largest major tradition of Buddhism existing today. The other branch is called Hinayana meaning the 'Lesser vehicle'.
 Jul 2016 Maloi
Savannah Charlish
I let you become my world
I called you home
And when you left
I didn't know where to go

So I ran to the streets of France
And climbed the hills of Italy
I swam with mermaids in the  Mediterranean
And found secrets in the countryside of Ireland

I walked where kings walked
Traced the footsteps of men who changed the world
I fell in love with places
And was overwhelmed with the kindness of strangers

And when I stood at the top of the world
I was humbled at its size
And discovered what a small piece you are
Of my grand story
Okay, Cupid, tell me true-
The hell'd I ever do to you?
You flap about, your bowstring drawn
Aiming just to lead me on.

"Oh, she's the one!" You always say,
And with a 'thwip', arrows away!
And when it hits, right in my heart,
Proceeds to tear the world apart.

And then you just flutter away,
No doubt thinking "good job, today!"
But Cupid, sir, you fail to tell
That my poor heart is in for hell.

Now, love is grand, don't get me wrong,
But never seems to last for long.
Those arrows you're so fond to fire
Are sometimes too quick to expire.

So, Cupid, mate, step up your game,
Or redirect your blasted aim.
If love is such a complex trick,
Don't shoot at me you little *****!
Seriously. Guy's a ****.
 Jul 2016 Maloi
Hayaan mo akong gawin kang obra—
Ipipinta kita gamit ang mga kulay ng pagmamahal na sinayang niya.

Hayaan mo akong gawin kang obra—
Kung saan ang pangalan mo'y mamumuhay sa bawat tulang isusulat ko tungkol sa pagibig, sinta.

Hayaan mo akong gawin kang obra—
Iguguhit kita gamit ang mga kamay kong kailanma'y hindi nakalimot sa mga haplos mo, pangga.

Hayaan mo akong gawin kang obra—
Ipagdidikit natin ang mga pirasong sinira ng nakaraan.
Pangako, mahal, 'di ka na mawawasak muli kailanman.

Hayaan mo akong gawin kang obra -
Dahil mahal, hindi mo man nakikita, isa kang tunay na obra maestra.
Hayaan **** ito sa'yo ay aking ipadama,

Hayaan mo akong gawin kang obra.
(c) 2016 - Mary Joyce Tibajia
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