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341 · Jul 2016
Madalyn Jul 2016
I am lost. A loose petal in the wind, ripped from a flower by a beautiful boy. He loves me not.
335 · Jan 2016
Madalyn Jan 2016
They're inevitable.
Everything comes to an end
331 · Dec 2015
Madalyn Dec 2015
I've never had the courage to ask you about him. I remember feeling ashamed when Brianna asked "who is that baby in the center photo?" I couldn't muster up the courage to say, "oh, that's my brother." I think about that moment a lot. How I still can't muster up the courage to ask you about him. I know nothing about him. All I've seen is pictures. I've never told anyone about him, because I'm afraid to bring him up to people, like he's this big family secret. How can I tell anyone about him if I don't even understand what fully happened. I want to ask, but I don't want to bring you back to that dark time, even though I'm sure you relive it everyday of your life. You keep that locket around your neck with his picture as a reminder that he is always there. Just the other day you started sobbing in the middle of breakfast because you saw a little boy with the same curls he had. And in that moment, I wanted to cry with you, because you looked so broken. His birthday recently passed, the only thing I actually know about him, but I couldn't even tell you how old he would've been. I always wonder how different life would be if he was still here, but I guess we'll never know.
324 · Jan 2016
Not the Praying Type
Madalyn Jan 2016
I pray every night that I forget about you. Who am I kidding, I'm not the praying type
Madalyn Dec 2015
I said your name twice today. ******* it. god ******* **** it.
320 · Jul 2016
Madalyn Jul 2016
I never imagined Hell to feel like this
312 · Jan 2016
I want to know you
Madalyn Jan 2016
I want to know you.
Your family, your childhood, your thoughts on love and religion.
I want to know you.
Your deepest, darkest thoughts, your fears, what makes you tick.
I want to know you.
Your favorite movies, songs that make you cry, books you love to read.
I want to know you.
The last time you cried, the last time you laughed, the last time you had the time of your life.
I want to know you.
Every inch of your mind, every inch of your body.
I want to know you…
312 · Nov 2015
Hostage Heart
Madalyn Nov 2015
I've let you hold my heart for ransom all this time. But you didn't want anything in return. I think it's time I take it back.
310 · Jun 2016
It Meant Nothing
Madalyn Jun 2016
To him, I'm sure it meant nothing
for me, for me,

it meant everything.
307 · May 2015
First Person
Madalyn May 2015
At least I'll always be the first person he met at school. At least I mean something to him.
300 · Dec 2015
Madalyn Dec 2015
I’m tired of living in a world where my worth is measured in how many times I’ve blacked out or how many times I’ve made out with boys in bars. I’m done belittling myself for these people. People who only know the surface of my being. If I were to tell them everything about me all the darkness that resides in my soul, all the pain and misery that encompasses my heart, they would just shrug and call me weird or over dramatic. These people don’t know that I have galaxies in me that have yet been explored, that I fear will never be given the chance of discovery. I’m not depressed by any means, but I’m not happy either. I’m stuck in the middle, in purgatory, but it might as well be hell.
299 · Dec 2015
Alone pt. 2
Madalyn Dec 2015
Being alone, it's horrific really.
You start to crave love like you see on TV.
Love that isn't real. Love that was written for a script by some woman or man who craves a love similar.
But eventually, these love stories begin to cut deeper and you realize you'll never have a love like the one portrayed.
Real or scripted.
293 · Jul 2016
Madalyn Jul 2016
Tonight I am Atlas.
Forever burdened by the weight of the world.
I stay there, with the weight of the sky on my shoulders unable to shake this pain,
this agony,
this total devastation.
289 · Sep 2017
The Secret of the Universe
Madalyn Sep 2017
It was the first time I ever heard your voice over the phone.
I grabbed the phone, confidently, but when I put it to my ear, hands shaking, I heard you breathing on the other side and for a split moment I had forgotten all the words in the English language. There was something intimate about it. Almost like you were whispering the secret of the universe into my ear.
286 · Oct 2016
Madalyn Oct 2016
Seconds. Minutes. Hours. Days. Weeks. Months. Years. Slow but fast. Blink and they're gone. One day you're 22 thinking you have all the time in the world and the next minute your 75 wondering where all the time has gone
282 · Jul 2016
Madalyn Jul 2016
I used to pinch myself every time my mind wandered to you.
I thought, maybe, the feeling of pain would make me stop thinking about you.

It didn't.

I'm starting to enjoy it.
279 · Dec 2015
Easily Forgotten
Madalyn Dec 2015
Don't worry if you don't remember me. No one ever does. I tend to be the one in the background, observing the situation. I'm an observer, not one who experiences. I think that will be my downfall.
278 · Apr 2016
It Rained Today
Madalyn Apr 2016
As the rain falls, so do I.

With every drop, I fall deeper and deeper into an internal depression.

My soul aches for the loss of what if and the agony that has followed
267 · Jan 2016
Madalyn Jan 2016
Those who have it are a dying breed. If only mine could die.
266 · Jan 2016
Madalyn Jan 2016
Boys have feelings too.
Boys have feelings too.
Boys have feelings too.
260 · Jul 2016
Madalyn Jul 2016
Go ahead! Keep showing up in my life. Don't mind me, this knife has been here long enough. I'm starting to get used to it. I like the pain. It reminds me I'm human. It reminds me that I am capable of feeling something.
pain misery life boys sad heartbreak
254 · Dec 2015
Madalyn Dec 2015
There is rain in my soul. Dangerous, treacherous rain that can't be tamed. So I just sit and wait for the day the dam overflows, bursts and washes me away.
Madalyn Mar 2018
I’m scared that I’ll let you down
That I won’t be what you need me to be
I won’t be what you think I am
I’m scared that I could never be fully vulnerable with you, emotionally or intimately
So, I’ll take my cowardly heart and save you from the heartbreak that is bound to come out of this
244 · Aug 2015
Madalyn Aug 2015
I would learn every word to every Coldplay song ever written if it meant I could have just one day with you
241 · Apr 2016
4 years
Madalyn Apr 2016
I met you fours years ago today and here I am, having the same thoughts, still wanting to know every single ******* thing about you.
199 · Sep 2017
The River Styx
Madalyn Sep 2017
Wanting you would be a death wish but
I'd cross the river styx and look the devil in the eyes
just to know your every thought...
195 · Mar 2018
Madalyn Mar 2018
Love-less- lacking love in both the secular and the divine way
Love- who needs it
Love- who craves it
Love- who poured her heart out on the side of the road
Love- who mustered up the courage to say how she felt
Love- who, despite what her so called friends would think, fell for you
Love- who cries at night just thinking about all the opportunities she had
166 · Sep 2017
The Moon
Madalyn Sep 2017
Maybe I trusted the moon too much. She always made me believe things were gonna be okay. But she spends her whole life chasing the sun, she can’t know what true love means.
160 · Dec 2019
saturday moring
Madalyn Dec 2019
i want to be your saturday morning coffee
136 · Dec 2019
alt version
Madalyn Dec 2019
foggy concert lights echoed euphoria

dancing alone
dancing with him
in my mind,
we were one in that moment

so far apart, yet so close
a distant day dream

a dream we were at that concert together,
swaying to the melody, grasping on to each word like they meant something
like i meant something
like i could ever mean anything to him
102 · Dec 2019
dance within your space
Madalyn Dec 2019
The fog in the lights echoed euphoria

dancing to the beat of the drum in an open space

wanting  to dance within your space
Sway to the melody with your hand in mine
With your hand on my waist,
With your hand in the air
singing along to every word

If I closed my eyes it’s like we were

standing there a few inches away
wanting so badly to grab your waist,
               your hand

and sing along to every word

— The End —