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 Jun 2015 Mari
Pockets of Eden
 Jun 2015 Mari
I have observed brightly lit stores...
window displays welcome
with wide open arms.
Kaleidoscope of colours,
dancing to catchy music...
adding on to the allure and charm.

Droves of shoppers have identified this
as their slice of heaven.
Flagging retail therapy
and finding their
pocket of Eden.

I have observed some laying down.
On patches of grass.
They stare at the sky
with much adoration,
as wispy clouds float on by.

These skygazers have chosen this
to be their little slice of heaven.
With the ground on their backs,
grass between their toes
and azure as their witness...
this is their pocket of Eden.

I have observed a couple of lovebirds,
seated at a café...
immersed deeply in conversation.
In their own private universe,
their own little bubble.
Employing hugs and frequent pecks as punctuation.

There's nowhere else they'd rather be.
From their eyes I know,
they've found their unique slice of heaven.
In each other
they've found their pocket of Eden.

I have observed myself...
I thought myself to be lost
for the longest time.
Seeking a place
for the voice in my head
that only spoke in rhyme.

All is not lost when
I finally found that place.
My little slice of heaven.
For almost a year ago today
I decided on Hello Poetry
as my pocket of Eden.
Thank you all for your kindness and support.
Much love,
 Jun 2015 Mari
Day Wing
 Jun 2015 Mari
Day Wing
Written not only by the ink of pens, but also by the soul of  hearts
 Jun 2015 Mari
Thomas EG
 Jun 2015 Mari
Thomas EG
I am inferior... Semilunar, even. It's on nights like these that I can taste the stars. They shine almost as brightly as your eyes.

Your eyes continue to amuse me, to consume me... I suffocate, deprived of key elements of freedom.

A conscience says a lot about a person. Your conscience is as pure as gold. Why don't you bite down on me? See if I am authentic. I promise you that I am worthy. We are worthy.

The sky's teasing crescent is enough to push you to let go. You are so in love with the idea of a world beyond Earth. I can see a whole solar system in your eyes' smile.

You admit that this is a new kind of journey for you. It's a journey all the way through my mind. I'm aware that things are still a bit behind.

I guess now we are looking for more than just a shallow dip. We want deep water. We want the opportunity to drown.

You know, the only way to truly satisfy me would be to reveal your methods of survival... My favourite scent rolls off the tight knot that is your tongue. Cherries.

You dismantle my heart and then build it back up, by my side. You say that you love me and begin to cry. It is beautiful. The misery even surprises you. I see no teardrops.

Amongst others, we have to stay in touch with who we are... For there is no more than one person displayed in my shadow.

Because my body belongs to me. It is mine and mine only. It is a home. I invite you to come and sit by the fireplace... My heart is a fire... Your eyes are its flames.
Another long poem!!!!
 Jun 2015 Mari
Emilia Rose
My second semester of my first year of college was intense. I felt like a failure, insecure, and doubtful if what I was going after would bring me happiness. Until I witnessed something. Something beautiful I hardly ever see with today's young generations in relationships. As I sat at a table studying my sign language homework , a young couple sat before me studying as well. One of them seemed distressed, so the other put their arm around them and said, "It's okay, we don't have to get married right now. I know things are hard, and having your family there means a lot to you, so lets give this some time". They continued to talk about there financial situation, family, school, and how our finals were coming up. Then one of them said, "I'm sorry about fighting with you last night, I just felt so overwhelmed. I didn't mean anything I said last night". In which the other replied " I know, and I forgave you right after".
Those two individuals were two young men who seemed to be in their early twenties. They did the same things thousands of us do every day, but what made them different was that defined others dismiss in vows once said, "For better of for worse". And they weren't even married yet. They're holding onto something others take for granted everyday. The love, and devotion, and understanding that I saw left me speechless...
It made me think back to my first love, and how we once had plans about our futures, but as I stated before we just took it for granted.
 May 2015 Mari
Kelley A Vinal
On the desk, there lies a fountain pen
It doesn't take cartridges
Rather, you dip it in ink and press it to paper
It makes a sound, not unlike fingernails on a chalkboard
But not like it either - it's satisfying instead of goosebump-inducing
Slowly scratching the page until it's gone
The ink has bled onto page 3
I've pressed too hard
But this paper is thick
Previous poets pondered profusely
Pretending this pen was a pipe
Holding it between their teeth until an idea came ripe
This pen holds a history of poetry
Of spilling thoughts that otherwise stayed internalized
And of sometimes spilling ink
It gets everywhere
I love it
 May 2015 Mari
 May 2015 Mari
You can't change me
Only I can lose my mind
it's not and never will be
yours, to take - take chances
if you can, calculated risk
but sometimes, it's
It's just ******* not.
No repetition
You can't change me
No reading
You can't change me
or training
You can't change me
will ever
steal the decay from death.
Death belongs to no one.
Not the military
or the rich, the drug addicted
youth or the far away planets
you can't see anyway
You can't change me
No. Just stop assuming your matter
matters so much.
You can't change me**
True. But who cares to anyway?
 May 2015 Mari
Jax levii
Smile again
 May 2015 Mari
Jax levii
I looked at a picture of us
I was 7 you were 5
You had the most breathtaking smile
What happened to that little girl
That dreamed the impossible
That would hide behind mom
When she was shy
That would look at me
As if I was her protector
You don't smile much anymore
And the things that do make you smile
Aren't really who you are
I miss the little girl
That believed in herself
And that she could do anything
I'm sorry that I couldn't protect you
From a world that broke your heart
I just want to see you
Smile like you use to
You deserve to smile again
But the sad part is
I heard you say
You don't smile the same
 May 2015 Mari
Ellie Shelley
I can't think of what to write
Pen to paper
Fingers to keys
I cant think of what this piece needs
- What inspiration
- What desperation
I can't think
There seems to be nothing left
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