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1.5k · Nov 2017
Logan Nov 2017
I frequently fall with infatuation
Facing assaults of accounts and allegations
Precursored by overwrought thoughts of the distraught
That they, the piqued and pained, were aware of my plot

Harm I intended, only fuelled by lust
Being insensitive and callous is but a must
For I, the brutish devil who led you astray
Have left you enveloped in utter dismay

I dismantled your faith and replaced it with doubt,
With this symbol of mine that carries much clout,
Leaving my victims mourning in tears
For I have give veracity to their fears
The tears of my prey fabricate a rivers flow
That only I, the acccursed Aquarius may know
Love is complex. You may feel intense passion for someone and confuse that with love. Once you've realized you were not truly in love, your lover may feel betrayed.
821 · Nov 2017
Logan Nov 2017
It comes at night
Terror grows in lack of light
Minds run rampant, compelled by fright
Of fear's omnipresent might

The hearts pounding rings in ears
You supress your precious tears
Unaware if it may hear
Giving life to all your fears

Oh so fragile is the mind
Of it's power we are blind
For it creates this fear of ours
Which comes to us in midnight hours
Trembling we will await
To what next it collates
Fear is a primal nature, raising hairs on skin, trembling you to the core, and making your mind and heart race. Our minds create our fears which only grow more powerful over the years.
791 · Apr 2018
Logan Apr 2018
Tonight I will weep
For before i fall asleep
Thoughts of you endure

My mind was tampered
with, on a false promise of
a love that was sure

Your abrasive words
were a suckerpunch beneath
your veil of allure

You leave us a coarse
effigy of men, who shall
dismantle the pure.
My try at a haiku while keeping to the theme of mistreated women. Every word and action weighs on other people. The heavier they are the more damage is done mentally and physically.
743 · Dec 2017
How Deep
Logan Dec 2017
How deep does your happiness go
Through the skin you must burrow
With sharpest razors to make you bleed
Searching for the pleasure you so need

Satisfaction runs through your veins
Yet it's release leaves you drained
Your red water streams present euphoria
While the scars leave you in paranoia

Your arms speak volumes of desolation
Written with thirsty razor serrations
Whether frequent or far between
You seek bliss in its iron sheen
What a shame your happiest dreams
You believe lie at the end of the stream
Growing up I've meant various people who cut. Seeing their scars always made me feel incredibly sad knowing they've been driven to such a point to use cutting as an outlet for their emotions.
736 · Aug 2018
Logan Aug 2018
Love is the color purple
Taking the shape of welts and bruises
Left upon my arms and neck
From stern insensitive hands

Love smells like alcohol and cigarettes
That hurl their scent from your tongue
Careening into my face
Sent from your bellowing voice

Love is the fear
Of what you'll do to me today
If you find out I went to work
And showed I wasnt okay
No rhyme scheme for this poem. Wanted write seriously with no limitations on the subject of domestic abuse.
631 · Nov 2017
Logan Nov 2017
Theyre one in the same for you to adore
You promise youll love them until you get bored
You call them a ***** until you call them a *****
To tear out their innocence is all you wish for

Your intentions stay true to those who came prior
You say your love is forever, but you're only a liar
The love you exclaimed was only a ruse
Leaving them feeling a melancholy blues

Their intimate gardens you rudely invade
You and the rest of your callous brigade
You value not the gift they bestow
Only the pleasure of your underwhelming fellow
Collecting the flowers, sacred in nature
Only to leave, becoming a stranger
Growing up it seems like I've seen so many women used for pleasure without care for their well being or emotions by careless men. I tried to capture the emotions and desparation of those women in this poem
619 · Dec 2017
Winter Blues
Logan Dec 2017
Winter days have come
Where in the lack of sun
Your happiness fleets
And your depression eats
It's way from the pit of your mind
Leaving you lost and blind
Trying a new structure to this while keeping it short and simple. I wanted to focus on S.A.D. in this poem also known as seasonal affective disorder.
593 · Nov 2017
Logan Nov 2017
You are both unpleasantly confined
To bear each others miserable minds
Bound forever by your rings
Based off out lived summer flings

One bares his ire upon the other
Breaking the faith of you, my mother
Impotent you are, left destitute
You've learned to sacrifice dignity for mute

But he gains no complacency
Instead he grows further empty
Forcing away the only being
Who once gave life so much meaning
You both are trapped in desperation
So close yet far from seperation.
I wanted to capture the idea of unhappily married couples with this. In recent years it seems so many newly weds fall out of love just as soon as they fell in it. This poem focuses more on the couples that don't split up, damaging each other the long they're together, yet too afraid to leave.
500 · Feb 2018
Logan Feb 2018
What is sorry with no meaning?
You must feel it in your being
You said you've loved but have not yet
For this to be you must let
Your heart be open and flow through
The ragged coast of the misconstrued
Lined with those of which you've lied too
Only once your hearts returned
Will sorry's meaning have been earned
Everyone's lost sight of how to truly be sorry. The more you throw it around the less believable your sorry is.
442 · Aug 2019
Shunned Summers
Logan Aug 2019
Summer has begun
The sun beckons at the window
Barricaded by drawn curtains
Ceasing its light to grace the room.
The breath of enjoyment and adventure
Is recycled through the air conditioner
Stripping the seasons air of its warmth
Leaving this room void of summers embrace
An embrace I'm in such dire need of.
So many summers wasted being locked in a room, unable to get out of bed. Atleast thats what seasonal affective disorder makes it feel like.
343 · Jun 2019
Logan Jun 2019
You were a thief
You've stolen countless valuables
Throughout my brief life

Intimacies were objects
Trust a fleeting thought
Each ripe for the taking
Although to you they meant naught

You striped away my being
Starting from the heart
Leaving me with no voice
Or self belonging thoughts

I'm numb to this theft
As I've been through it before
You'll promise whatever
To take whats not yours
Another take on the idea of selfish significant others or just strangers who lead you astray for their benefit.

— The End —