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1.2k · Aug 2018
inner voices
Cleo Aug 2018
i should be in a war
i should be fighting
for my own freedom
the mind is not a joke
its difficult to control
i feel like crying
but whats the use
we are all in a journey
the destination
we all know about it
just do not take me yet
let me breath for a while
let me laugh like my friends
i deserve it, this is not the end yet
telling me about how life is useless
will not help
i need to be normal
the mind is not a joke

#RIP Avicii
483 · Feb 2018
time blood
Cleo Feb 2018
time is blood
and blood is time
all the blood of my ancestors
flowing through my veins
why did i forget their song
the drums of life
lyrics of freedom
348 · Jul 2018
weekend vibe
Cleo Jul 2018
its great that you exist in my mind
because i can barely say two words to you
you are interesting
so i say in a poem
i will like to look deep in your eyes
i dont know how you will survive
like a wind blowing with confidence
i dont ask to dream about you
but when i close my eyes
i see you
but we live in different worlds
you dont believe in words
i dont believe in beauty
347 · Feb 2018
brown eyes
Cleo Feb 2018
Today i can't read, i can't sleep
Everything feels so unbalanced
struggling to find my own inner works
And yet i choose to stay in the shadows
No ink in the pen can make you understand
You simply can't have eyes for my words
Its painful but not hurting just sad
Struggling with my weak spirit
270 · Jul 2018
Cleo Jul 2018
it comes rushing in immediately after a strong pleasure
i  hate myself for being so weak
giving in to the pleasures of the world
am sorry i cant look away
but even as i close my eyes i  still see in my mind
the feeling lasted  60seconds yet i was almost exploding with passion
i want more but it is not real
nobody can give in so easily like that
works of the camera though it drives me crazy
i forget that real things are out there
real things are human not on camera
they know  what i want and its free
iam young but there are more like me
its worse when you are male
if you dont do it it will follow you on your dream
then you wake up....
guilt is on the way take care
225 · Feb 2018
scent of the moon
Cleo Feb 2018
I'm Wolfgang
you feel the scent of a flower
i feel the scent of the full moon
it drives me crazy sitting under a moonlight
so next time you are feeling romantic
lets hold hand at night and i will give you a flower full moon is on 2nd of march save me a kiss
love moon romance
213 · Oct 2020
Balance by Noel
Cleo Oct 2020
I  stood by the fence and watched my thoughts try to navigate,

the persistence of one realm had me investigate,

just how deep this mental addiction had taken root,

just how hard its has been to take a different route.

Have I solely existed as mind?

Have I failed to mine the resources of a different kind?

I conclude that I am stuck on an intellectual world,

one of less action and more words,

more philosophies that try to explain life,

the infinite search for more truths to the lies, more lies to the  truths:

the search for meaning- life’s meaning

like its something tat can be found without; like its something that is out there and cant be grasped

in the confines of self and thus  seek help

from avocation, from a religion, from a relationship…

Heck about to spasm,cant help but contend this thoughts, swinging left till I swing right,

but mind is supreme and you cant box with god, thus i return to where it all begun, secretly acknowledging the fact

“Man makes or breaks himself in the confines of his mind,”

I am slowly then baking, a balance of some sort, a balance of some kind

a perfect shrine, mind, body and soul

I hope you do too.
Balance was written by a friend who passed away sometimes last year. I hope to share some of his words because he was an amazing writer.

— The End —