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Heavy breathing.
Red faces, shaking knees.

Blank minded.
“Speak louder, please”.

Public speaking.
Doesn't everyone have symptoms like these?
Fingers are frozen, face is cold.
You press your lips against my nose,
You put my hands under your clothes.
Whispering, “I’ll keep you warm,”

Yet, I’m standing here while the wind blows.
And you wrap you arms around her waist,
While my tears freeze.
To be the reason you breathe

Your every thought
Your every dream
Your purpose in life
Would be the reason I breathe

To be what makes you believe

Your reason for living
Your reason for smiling
Your motivation for existing
Would be what makes me believe

To be the one you depend on

Your rock when you need to lean
Your shoulder when you need to cry
Your soft place to land, when life's too hard
Would be the only thing I could depend on

To be the one who helps you feel strong

Your innocence when it doesn't belong
Your heart when yours breaks in two
Your soul when it's shattered too
Would be what makes me feel strong

**and of all these things
To breathe and believe
To depend on, to feel strong
I only need you
To feel that I belong
Love is like a cigarette
One pulling on it like its the last drag they'll ever take
the other smoking because it burns their lungs
and they like the pain.
Theres always one who loves more, your either the one who can't breathe without them there
the one who likes the pain
Love is balance
and maybe
she can't breathe
and he craves pain
will perfectly even the scale
smoking my last cigarette beneath freezing rain, it's midnight & this feels so deserving. i'm thinking of jokes like, "wow, the price of gas is almost as low as my self esteem!" it's not funny though, i just smile slightly.
 Feb 2015 Levi Andrew
And I'll spend
the rest of my days
gazing upon the stars
that used to bind us together
dreaming of what our love could do
for us
for the future
now nowhere in sight
after you took it along
with my heart
I **** at love poems and this is about my first try hahaha. It's funny how I get the craziest ideas sometimes
Can     Will
You              You
Break                   Fix
Me         ­                     Me
When                 When
You          You
Fixed   Broke
Me              Me
In                        In
The                          The
First                   First
Place         Place
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