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LeV3e Aug 2018
God speaks with impeccable timing
Lining the mirror with silver
Reflecting even the dimmest lighting
So you notice that glimmer in your eyes...
Inside I'm whirling with questions
My curious mind, wresting with
Indecision and panic at the promises
I meant but might not honestly be able to keep...
I know that I'm intelligent, but still
Doubt clouds my judgement while
Fear of death, or even worse, failure
Drive me into situations I might regret...
It's a miracle I'm still alive today
By the hands of gracious people
I narrowly escaped the legions gaze
Moving out of the steeples vast shadow...
Now, standing in the light, the Truth
Watching my own shade stretch out
Consuming the lovely Sun's warmth
And twisting it with my short sighted ego...
I wish I could understand because
I don't have much faith in humanity
But we're all just doing our best
To try to make ends meet...
LeV3e Jul 2018
Real pride is bred by
Overcoming struggles
To set aside your time
Suffering for others
Grow as a person
While remaining humble
Arrogance stamped out
By love for your brothers
Chivalry is more
Than holding open doors
A dense moral code
Keeps the soul powerful
The minds corruption
Seeds of the weak hearted
Fools only follow
What leaders are born to be.
LeV3e Jul 2018
Burning time with
Written rhyme for
No real reason at all

Thinking of fall
Colors leaving
The trees turning neutral

Faces wrinkle, and
Water trickles
Down the flowing river

Leading us back
From which we came
To unity, once again.
LeV3e Jun 2018
Lightning struck and
Cracked the foundation
I've been building upon
Shaking my tower of
Preconceived priorities...

I'm falling now, slowly
Watching my dreams
Tumbling back in time
To the beginning...

I made a mistake when
I stacked to much pressure
Fracturing the stone that
All other things depend upon...

Now, I'm resting surrounded
By the wreckage I caused
By overestimating my own
Ability to hold it all together.
LeV3e Jun 2018
We are beings of light you see

Collected together in unity

We are brilliant and strong

Yet, if we focus too hard

On one single photon

You're surrounded by darkness.

As we disapate and divide

To fixed on individual lives

Death, will always bring us

To an ending.
#Collectivesoul #light #lessons
LeV3e May 2018
A dense fog blurs a purple sun
Dialated pupils spinning
A web of color touched my tongue
Emitting sparks of savory
Saliva spilling over lips
Sealed secrets in the darkened depths
Trenches sailed over by ghostships
Haunting memories of the past
Chained up in synchronicity
Keys fitting like serotonin
Released the Titans from dreaming
Freed then to seek retribution.
#psychedelics #trauma #healing #memory
LeV3e May 2018
What is it that separates you from me?
A short distance between
The atoms that build our bodies?
Or is it a mentality, made up by
Different struggles we suffer while
People fight for every waking moment
Just to breathe...
Can anybody tell me the difference
Between "knowing better" and
Does anyone really know who
Scribbled on the stone tablets
Deciphering the code that some
"Other being" told us was ethical?
Where did Enoch really go?
When he opened the gates to heaven,
And spoke to Gabriel about Thee?
Was it he who read the book of
Life, and came to understand
Only to leave the world
By God's demand?
Will I ever be more than this
Ant receiving signals by antennas
Sending advertisements telling me
What to buy next so I can be like
All the rest who are happy while
Society straps me in a straight jacket
Driving me mad with stress and
Ceaseless demands...
Maybe making more money will
At least buy me some ******* time
To relax.
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