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<3  <3  <3

L-ove of my life
I-s a
T-hat plays on in my
E-ars and head, without end
N-othing else is

H-eard...or felt
E-xcept that sound....its fragrant
A-ir...moist with mist...a caress on my face,
R-enewing  my strength, with its
T-unes, so sweet.........this song, wants me to feel its energy...a
T-ender  touch on my
S-kin, that clothes my whole a

V-estment...with warmth reassuring...that of an
A-ngel.....with a haloed collar, guide, to
L-ight my heart, here on
E-arth...each day..........don't fail me, my love, i am
N-eeding...when you are nowhere...but when we're
T-ogether.....nothing, no one else exists between us...for
I-n the space within your arms...i am home your
E-ndless flow of verses....i am cuddled...i am my dreams, you have no

D-eath...and so, i, too, have no death...i am kept
A-live........undying........sustained by
Y-our breaths of love, through your poetry <3


Copyright February 13, 2018

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!!!
...a valentine's day nonsense poem :))
She walks the castle walls at night,
with a rose held fast in her fingers,
the mist rolls away across the land,
the memory of her lover still lingers.

Cold flagstones beneath her slippered feet
hold the histories of the aeons tight.
Old battles, wars, and terrifying sieges,
ghosts of ancient warriors wail in the night.

And still she clutches his parting gift,
she wears the bond burden of his ring,
his love weighs upon her broken heart,
tears flow free with a melancholic sting.

They fall upon the stones and disappear,
additions to the heavy tomes of history,
little gems writing sadness in a story,
as she stares into the distance so wistfully.

© Pagan Paul (10/02/18)
Woe to the one,
Who is stung by a bee.
F*ckin hurts a bunch
Makes one want to flee.

Even after he dies,
The bee knows what to do.
You might not realize,
But the stingers in you
“The feelings that hurt most, the emotions that sting most, are those that are absurd - The longing for impossible things, precisely because they are impossible; nostalgia for what never was; the desire for what could have been; regret over not being someone else; dissatisfaction with the world’s existence. All these half-tones of the soul’s consciousness create in us a painful landscape, an eternal sunset of what we are.” ~ Fernando Pessoa
Smile came



Followed by


Followed by


In smile
Between the bells

Between the bells
Marking time

Between the chimes
Of birth
Between the chine

I lie


Between the tinkling
Of brass
And lime
Do not meddle
In the middle of
The muddle
In the east
Come on everyone it is time to go
For our soul will face eternity song
As our strength waxes in pain
We have to be a garland in other's throng
As foxes devour our eyes as did lion

Come on everyone it is time to go
Where social strata and color
Of our skin does not matter
For our religion is buried on the marsh
In this our strength makes us fresh

Come on everyone it is time to go
For our dress shall become sullen as a snow
The best company is strange faces we befriend now
As familiar faces envy my mosaic prowess
As the disregard my plan and hinder the progress

As they stay aback in the land of slavery
For we have no place to reside but be in liberty
Our chrysalis body wipe the blood from our palms
As we sing redemptive songs as David psalms
Come on everyone it is time to go

We shall march in the wilderness of joy
Sweating in sorrow as we build our city
For our wall is build for humanity sake
We solely deserved this without water or cake
Come on everyone it is time to go

We have found a new land
Where God reside with love
For our soul will sing eternity songs
A songs that are undying as hallelujah hymns
Wherewithal our body becomes as cave

Our lips shall sing till earth's evil wall crumble down
For the water shall baptised us as crystal gem
Our dying hope shall grow like date Palm
As stars shall show us the path at night we won't be drown
Come on everyone it is time to go

For moon will provide meal at the day
The magic others abstain shall we practised
The wisdom our father's deprived shall we embraced
For our land shall waxed as honey everyday
Come on everyone it is time to go

A paradise of love our land nourish
Spreading its wings as eagle unleash
Eating the spoils that will habits our land
As peace spray so all embraced
Come on everyone it is time to go

We have found a new land
Where our soul will face eternity song
As our strength waxes in pain
Our social strata and color does not matter
Come on everyone it is time to go

Written by
Martin Ijir
Under the waxing moon
Where safety is secured in -
the throes of madness
Where ambiguous , vocal figurines annotate abject sadness* ...

* Reversus de pit ignis Ad .. .. Amen: alleluja habitabo in medio populi mei misericors deus in misericordia* ..
Copyright February 7 , 2018 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
What nice thing

will you do


Cynthia Jean
February 2018
A very dear friend taught me this.
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