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Like hamsters on a wheel we ran
Away from horses hooves
Zig zagging through trees
To be hunted like deer
Hiding in holes
Covered in dirt
Crawling under rocks like insects

One by one, we fell.

In terror, we ran back to the place we knew best. Entered the darkness, remembering our way to the waterside.

Safety, of a kind.

The heavy moon poured light from the star laden sky. We merged from the thick copse to be bathed in the calming white of her rays.

Eyes drawn to the glint of the moons' light, touching the tops of the ripples in the water, made brighter still by the surrounding darkness.

Shimmering, like magic.

It was cold, perfectly cold, and the air was fresh and open, the kind of night the veil stays so thin into the night and you can almost see just by feeling. When you can feel the serene and endless expanse of the universe. An overwhelming sense of purity and clarity.

Nothing, and everything.

The slight movement of air on the trees and the gentle lapping of water on the bank told us we were safe, for now at least.

We returned to the real through trees and fields, passing streams and reeds along the lakeside.

We were separated. I knew then, I felt it. I was strangely comforted by its sadness.

Peaceful sleep, first for an age.

I woke before dawn clutching a vision. A message so clear it could never be dream. Time passed, finally their eyes caught mine and stared into my soul. Then it was gone, in an instant hidden.

The vision was realised.
it seemed as if
my thoughts
became possessed
and i could no longer
of anything else
but you
and i don't know how
or why
i found myself
swiftly descending
until i gracefully fell
into a magical place
and in love,
i fell with you
Random is what I supposed
Until too many random acts
Came my way
What I prayed for was
Never answered
I saw her arm
Those black dead eyes
She was dead a long time ago
I said hi
And she began to
Replay her story
He was a trucker drove up in his rig at 12:30 am
Paid today
A *** burning his pocket
The ambulance took him away
At 3 in the dark morning.
She was arm candy for the rich
Best store bought **** ever
A wild one
She'd come to the house to play
After making a score
Take a hit and sit and rock
Back and forth
For two days
He was a runner for the dealer
Everyone called him the
Walking man
He stole an ounce from
Under the meanest bulldog
In town
Showed up throwing rocks the
The size of my toenail on a red hot blazing stem.
No one ever saw him again.
She was five dollar Felisha
You know what was her specialty.
Lots of times she had chrome on her lips.
Then was me.
I had the house.
I'm glad I moved.
I saw too much random ****.
I think now there was
A purpose.
I'm living again.
Until I die.
And there ain't no such *******
Idol as random.
Love Silence
In our youth and prime, hand in hand
We used to talk for hours, hours long
Love on its brim portrayed in a band
Passion said to each other we belong

Now age has taken its toll we are old
We sit together for hours but in silence
Still we communicate all all but gold
Without any words ,gold is silence

Time tells what to do how to proceed
Kinetics and words and just a look  
Love has languages no language indeed
It is a symphony of heart hidden in abook

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2018 Golden Glow
Beware of the thirteenth
landing on a Friday??

Nah....that's just bullhockey

The thirteenth has always been
lucky for me...
My sweet boy was born that day
for the world to see :)
Listening with my
Head on your chest for my name
Within your heartbeat
I can hear it
Wrapping the sky
      around shoulders of grief,
prepared shuffles of aimless motion
in time,
     a hood of moons
transpire to illuminate,
          conveying the dissolution
of reason and rhyme,
as logic takes a bullet and bites the dust
resplendent in a cloak
     of transparent darkness swirling,
          a veil drops
like the final curtain,
with the august play about to commence,
     the actors, forward,
          taking a bow of silence,
to an absent audience who do not care,
the arrival at platform zero,
     of nowhere,
          travelling to nothing on a vacant train,
an instant express to the heart
     of the void,
carrying hallucinations
          in a purse
                    of stars,

Promise rides a chariot of blessing,
yielding a gift
     sugar coated in
          images and

© Pagan Paul (11/04/18)
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