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Leaving yesterday's
behind I walk on pavements
And I shan't look back
Inspired x
Dear universe
I've minimum to report
Our world is still spinning
Into entropy
And out of control
We know not yet
What we really
Need to know
Ice and fire
Hot lava and snow
Around and around
The sun we go
Gravity held
  Inertia repelled
All our matter
Heading for hell

Dear universe
Just letting you know!
Traveler Tim
Too many shattered Mirrors
Mirroring my sins.

Too many walls
Hindering my wings.

My growth remains
as silence Kills.

How do you love the
I was never a writer
I was just some poet
Who seek some
understanding in my
understatement @pax

at times I feel so tired...
thanks to those who still read me..
Did you see them take the green fields
one by one, now line by line on hills in echelon?

Still, holding ground held holy by their sons;
no longer marching to the smoke and drum.

Where bugler called the day to final rest,
now silence grows like lichen on the stones.

For those who gave their all at our behest,
our memories alone will not atone.

Do you see the fires burning at a distance,
and more hallowed ground broken day by day?

Each new stone laid a fading reminiscence;
each new bouquet soon fading into gray.

What better way to honor sacrifice
than to pause and speak their names aloud.

Until the gods of war are pacified;
until our flag no longer serves as shroud.
In memory of those who gave their all: 5/30/2016

And again, lest we forget: 5/29/2017

Memorial Day: 5/28/2018-In Memory of Wilfred Owen 18 March 1893 - 4 November 1918
Contraction or Expansion
Exhaustion or Inspiration

86400 seconds a day
Hmmm, how's it going to be spent?

Difficulties are about what we care about

Our thoughts are a tool
Mind hates to be present
Evolved to keep us safe

My thoughts, my fears, my past experience
pasted to my face
Covering my eyes so they are all I can see,
While my dogs and cats
The fish the birds
they are all laughing at me.

Self is contact
Self is content

Swimming in a sea of thoughts
Emotional weather always changing

Tug of war, to and fro, trying to make the anxiety go

If I spend my 86400 seconds a day
trying to make the pain go away
No time
              to live my life

"Pain is inevitable
Suffering is optional "

Showing up for my awareness

If I'm not living my life
I'm living my fear

Old life
Old values
Living the life I care about now

Compassion for others
Self compassion

Feelings and thoughts are like the weather and
The wind it just blows everywhere.
"Pain is inevitable..." has been attributed to Buddha, however the minimal research I did says he never said that and it appears to be from A.A.
This poem is based on the concepts of Acceptance Commitment Therapy. Many thanks for the language and inspiration to John and Jamie Forsyth.
Vines embrace


Of lives

Teased apart


You're inside...alone in your hiding place
yet, the limited sphere of your space
grumbles with voices...repeating words and
scenes...from failed, denied expectations

be still now.....remember
not to ponder long on hurtful moments
cry, if you must,
but, when sun sets and moon is up
let twilight's soothing silence
ease your overworked heart and mind
dwell not on sad departures...take a deep sigh,
there's hope......look up to the sky

be still.............surrender
to a silent Presence...that
makes the wind move creation
listen to the music of nature
its peaceful murmurs
hear the wind hum its many songs
hissing..swishing, whistling
listen to the trees,
hear the leaves softly rustle,
the water....running....flowing from
a waterfall.......down to the river
take time...hear a hawk or an eagle cry
see them soar and descend with grace,
while a wine-red dragonfly, and a
purple-yellow butterfly....flutter
atop pink Vanda blooms...
search with your eyes, ears, mind, and heart
be captivated!  explore!
nature, always leaves us in awe...

be still,
let sand escape from your palms
release cold, indifferent hands
let go of anyone all set to leave...or
anything that always seems awry...
open your doors, let fresh air bring in
new challenges, and
new beginnings...let them all in!
remember to build new dreams
welcome new friends, new faces
remember to smile!

soon...the hurting will wane

remember the cycle:
sunrise,, die...weep, laugh
remember the Words:
"there is a right time for everything."
...have still...


© Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
June 6, 2018
"Be still and know that I am God..."-Psalm 46:10

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens...a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance..."Ecclesiastes 3:1, 4

"Don’t hold on to someone who’s leaving, otherwise you won’t meet the one who’s coming.”-Carl Jung
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