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...gone flat
Just fizzed out of me
But I do write sometimes....

Not tonight—
Only frantic sparrows roosting
Heavy overlap of clouds
How beautiful is her mien,
She'd possessed me like a fiend
To behold her, was all he yearned for
He'd tamed his habits which she might consider to be an eye sour
He called upon his nerves to be his shield
For, this battle of winning love; he'd won, that, has been sealed!
He saw she, whom he was head over heels in love with..... ...
He saw she, whom he was head over heels in love with,
She was clad in all her beauty!
He admired her, as it was his duty
She was all that goodness could be
He couldn't let his nerves be
He summoned his nerves; it was time
He walked up to her, clad in all genteel
l He knew he loved her for real
Her smile was medicinal
She turned to see who it was Like his intentions were written on his forehead, she knew it Suddenly,
her countenance changed
Her smile vanished
Her mouth pouted, she hissed
She rejected him without saying a word!
His heart was hurt, like it had been pierced with a sword
She wrapped her veil about her and walked away angrily
He walked back home, tail between his leg
He'd lost his love; once, twice, thrice!
And now, he'd lost it forever!
when we remember
what the times have been
that made us into what
    and who
    we are today
we travel deep into our past
to hear our mother’s voice
our father’s not so friendly gripes
when we fouled up a task he gave to  us

our friends, our teachers, our loves
whose interactions shaped
who we eventually have become  
while we believe that we have always been
     so independent and  autonomous

it may be worth a moment to reflect
     upon the influences
     we are inclined to casually neglect
and recognize the fact
     that we are always part
     of that great whole
     which we so desperately try
     to disavow for individuality

only to recognize a few years later
the minimal common denominator

life is a wonderful excursion into space and time
always surprising, turning on a dime,
leaving us puzzled well unto the end
always intent to look beyond
the next bend of the river …….
Post Traumatic Stress
Most of us
got it

Cortisol fear screaming through
our blood stream
Seeing or being something
people never should be

Adrenal Dumps
Road rage

Meltdowns in the
five to eight shot
morning or evening
it doesn't matter

Memories traveling
on the light of the day
scents floating in the air
the music
A ****** expression
in a crowd

Holding on tight
Jumping out of our

Feelings of rejection
Than rage

How to handle it today?

The walking wounded
walking on parade
no point in going to the circus
when we are the circus

Maybe it's always been,
What do they say,
The human condition
is the condition
we're in

If we do it right
(next time)
another way
to get it right.
can I love and trust and smile and cry
all at the same time
might my limits be love trust and a smile wide as eternity
I don't like crying
I hate Forrest Gump
it makes me buy a box of Kleenex every hundred times
I've seen it.
Where crying comes in I often get all
emotional, tear in my beer sort of ****.
I like to be the one in a party watching sad movies.
TEAR CHECK!  I yell!
right after I wipe my eyes clean.
but crying is needed
I guess
and it's not reserved for sadness
I've had a lot of happy tears shed
and I guess
tears are
to  cleanse
I haven't washed  
my face for days
and tears feel kind of good
this word.
mutter it softly, as the fireplace moans.
bring your bones to the pyre,
bring your dragons,
bring your friends.
come to this pyre and we shall burn
the past into the present.

do you hear the thin noise of action?
the things that you will do,
the things that you have done,
all rushing into that heart of yours,
that heart of ours,
that fiercely fragile thing?
yes. you do.
and you shall break the mountains with every whisper.
let your words proliferate across this crumbling world (spinning itself to dust),
a legion of ants on this blue sphere.

do, and your flesh will unravel into dawn.
do, and the vices writhing in all our skulls will have no choice but to yield.
do, and we shall leave all these broken lamps behind,
let them drift away on this slate-blue sea,

and we shall burn the past
into the future.
inspired by this youtube video:
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