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 Sep 2019 Samtoy
 Sep 2019 Samtoy
She's smiling
Someone made her eyes glow
I've tried, I guess I can't be that reason

Mine is gone
She's my reason
Yet  I can't smile for them
hays la na gid?
I have a lot mistakes in my life
Question is am I going to lie
About my mistakes.
No, I’m not.
I could stand in front someone
Say I’m wrong I did it.
It’s best to admit to your own mistakes.
Than to walk with guilty Conscious
I’m different than anybody else.
I speak with wisdom and truth
 Sep 2019 Samtoy
 Sep 2019 Samtoy
I used to wonder
Spend my time daydreaming
Wishing she would
Reciprocate my feelings
But now I know
Now I have no doubt
I know exactly
How she feels about me now
It's pretty clear. It's pretty **** clear.
 Sep 2019 Samtoy
Life is filled with wonders.
Your body is God's gift to you and a ticket to explore what life has to offer.

#life #inspire
 Sep 2019 Samtoy
Luna Maria
we love
as hard as we
fall apart
on our worst days
 Sep 2019 Samtoy
Thank you
 Sep 2019 Samtoy
I'm so tired when I wake up
I wrestle with the alarms.
I never really like this place
So I write it in my poems.

I understand you don't need to stay
I know you do so anyway.
Thank you for all the support.

You don't hear me, yet you listen
I know that it is hard.

I wrote a lot
Not much makes sense
Thank you for trying.

Hardly on it often
Yet I feel the love.

I keep this quite secret
My family would be mad.
I hide it away
So no one will say
I have written these.

You know my name
You guess my age
You don't know my brain.

Yet you know me better
Than anyone I know
Because you read
These words and scribbles
I have on the paper.

We don't talk but I sing
And somehow you still hear me.
Thank you.

Thank you guys so much
for helping me
feel like I have a voice.
 Sep 2019 Samtoy
I'm okay.
I'll be okay.
Today happened.

— The End —