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Kee Apr 2016
There’s always a reason why I can’t be as good as you,
Or I can’t have the same respect as you.
When I buy a car you charge me more and the white man less.
I’m expected to possibly get a high school diploma, while you’ll have a doctoral degree, sitting pretty.
Why is my life less important than yours?
Why do you get to have everything?
Why do I have to work twice as hard just to be half as good as you?
Why do we have to do so much to be accepted, just to not be accepted anyways?
Why do we always seem to be less?
Does it not bother you that we will never be seen for accomplishments, but for our color of skin and the stereotypes you give us?
Kee Feb 2016
Reading right to left, down to up, common  sense not in my body.
High as  kite, the world is cold but my body is hot like delicious tamales.
Fire in my veins and the screams of my own being is what thrills me.
The Earth crumbling beneath my feet and I'm being dragged in.
I don't mind though, I love the thought of  life being scary.
*What's a life that's drama free?
Kee Dec 2015
i want to forget everything exists and that love is blind
that the color of my skin wasn't such a bad thing to others
and that i could've never met my 'first love'
i wish *** wasn't such a popular thing and it didn't matter in a relationship.
i wish for my soul to be free and my body to be tatted with purple and white ink symbolizing that i've finally let go of the pain that i've been wishing to shed
and that someone could understand my pain and that i hate being alone but-
if i were to tell them, would they think i mentally ill? that i should be institutionalized and considered a lunatic?
why is it do we shame the ones that are not considered 'normal'?
what is wrong with our society?
since when did being homeless mean you were of less than any other?
the rich aint ****, everyone can see it.
the album is 12 dollars but you'll only donate 1?
this was all in my head at once.
Kee Dec 2015
i like apples
but i don't like apple pies
i like cheese
but i don't want it on my fries
i like school
but do you really think i would do if i had to?
i like you
but i don't like your attitude
are you understanding my logic?
i won't like this because it correlates with this or it's combined with that
**i like what i like, and that's that.
Kee Nov 2015
i thought we had a dream to be together forever,
i guess that was a lie.
you said, "i'll never love another."
so who was that you were with in the schools bathroom stall?
don't tell me this just to do the opposite.
i need the truth, and if i can't get it from you then i don't want it at all.
we, we were suppose to be together forever.
our life use to seem worth living, and now that you're not in it..
i'm hopeless, scared, alone, angry, because you're not here.
you left me in this debt all by myself.
this debt of love, happiness, anger, and depression.
i have to deal with it ALL by myself.
and you don't care.
you just laugh with your new girlfriend in my ******* face and pretend that you didn't hurt me.
guess what?
i'll do the same.
i'll be better of without you,
and i'll smile.
a real smile.
the smiles you give to a person you love.
and then. only then,
will you feel like an *** for everything you've done.
Kee Nov 2015
the disease spread over night
people were coughing, but they still smiled
people still saw light, they saw faith
and it makes me feel weak
i feel weak because i don't have that
i don't have light in me
i can't fight anymore
and the fact that they're at their last breath and still glowing in happiness
shows me that i can still go on
Kee Oct 2015
He hated to watched her leave
But he knew she'd back soon
He wanted to hold her until life no longer existed
He waited up that night for to come back
He waited
And waited
And waited
She didn't come back

What did he do wrong?
Was it something he said?
Did he not love her enough?
"**** it," Began to be his motto
His face became hollow
The empty bottles of jack slowly filled the room
The receipts of take over crumpled up filled the corner of the room

Then one night
He heard a knock.
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