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Ariana Robinson Jun 2016
Is there a reason why your heart gets broken?
Whether you saw it coming or not, nothing can brace you for the pain you will feel.
At times, you blame yourself for the pain thinking, "Why did I listen to my heart?"
You cry over someone who isn't worth your tears.
Your heart has been gullible, causing you to love and trust too easily.
And it's just sad when you become immune to the hurt.
Getting your heart broken is the downside to love.
The question is...
"Will you allow it to break you?"
An old poem I found
  Jun 2016 Ariana Robinson
Javier Garza
Waiting for the bus
To take me away from this lovely ceremony
From this glorious day
Where we've spent so much of our life
It's all come to an end
As we toss our caps into the sky

Standing alone
Contemplating how it all played out
We impatiently waited
Couldn't contain our smiles as we crossed the stage
Beaming into the sea of faces as we held that piece of paper
As we all were one
For one last time

Holding back the tears
Silently hating everyone
Hating the loving parents who embraced their children
Loathing friends as they laughed with their families
Shattering inside as I watched alone

Pretending the next day
That nothing happened
Swallowing bitter accusations    
Forcing the tears deep inside
Saying that yesterday was no big deal

Laughing at the irony
I've celebrated such day with a different family
Ate and laughed with people I barely knew
Receiving love from parents that weren't mine

It's all I can to to not break down
To not drown in the garbage of it all
Holding the diploma that my family will never see
Never forgetting going alone and leaving alone from my own graduation
Never forgetting the day my family chose to turn their back on me
Never forgetting the day I stood alone,
Waiting for the bus to take me home
It's sad but you'd be surprised by how many individuals cross that stage and have no family to congratulate them after the ceremony, or to even take them back home.
Ariana Robinson Jun 2016
When said to the average woman, it's an insult
When said to me, I tilt my head back and grin
I fix my imaginary crown before it slips and say,

"Yes, I wear that crown proudly. Want to know how big of a ***** I can be?"
I know I'm a *****, but only when necessary.
  Jun 2016 Ariana Robinson
Javier Garza
Has lost its way
Forgotten what it meant to live
Greed rules the lands
Hate divides
And ignorance shackles

Has began to die
Corruption reigns with an iron fist
Can't seem to find the light amongst the fog of evil
To give power to those that would lead to healing

It means we'll all rot
To be herded by the lies of the media
Beauty is the only way
Thin is beauty
Shallow is beauty
Fraud is beauty
To be separated by outdated prejudice
Gays are sinners
White is the true superior race
Money can buy anything,
Even love
To be set on a road of self destruction
Poverty is for the lower class
Intelligence is for the weak
Individuality is for the outcasts

Has forgotten what it means to be human
To find the balance
Love without fear
Fight the injustice for freedom of thought,
Freedom to be unique,
Freedom to live,
To live with a purpose

A purpose
That's what Humanity has lost
Humanity just keeps worsening and soon, it'll cease to even know what it means to be human.
  May 2016 Ariana Robinson
“Don't you miss being in love?”, she asks.
I simmer, gathering myself  and my thoughts.

No, I don't, because I have not been in love;
Not in the manner I imagine it.
I have loved - beautifully, might I add -
But never have I been in love.

How can I have?
At my best, all I knew was to compel, persuasively,
someone into loving me -
the best possible way I knew how.
I revealed just enough of myself,
the beautiful of myself,
the parts of me that drew butterflies.

Hidden were the broken parts of me,
those which keep me awake, sleepless -
'til the moon kisses me goodnight,
in the last hours before dawn.

I am not, by any means, denying ever loving.
I have loved, blindly and beautifully.
All I have ever been good at was loving -
loving someone into loving me,
the best way possible.

But, all of their love was inadequate.
A love which always fell short of loving me,
the best way possible.

Love; inadequate:
Unable to express loving me,
unable to express themselves of loving me.

In turn,
I was slapped with sloppy efforts of loving me -
Vague inadequacies of love.
It was never enough, not remotely close,
to what I had imaged loving me would be.
It was short of ever arousing me internally,
short of wits to spiral me into being in love.

And so, how can I miss being in love,
when it has always been a feeling that eluded me?
How can I miss being in love, when in love -
I concealed the broken parts of me?
How can I have been in love when I was lonely, in love?

How can I have been in love,
when all I knew of being in love was to love myself -
by loving whomever loved the aesthetic parts of me?

Loving me has always been an infatuation -
an infatuation of the broken pieces of me,
coming together to create an illusion of a love -
an unsatisfactory love for loving me.

How can I have ever been in love when no one has known,
expressed, conjured the best possible way of loving me.
All of me.

Once more, up at the last hours before dawn -
awaiting the moon to kiss me goodnight, I tell her.
Love is as much of an idea as it is a livelihood of feelings we can't explain in a logical sense, and each has a different way of perceiving and experiencing this idea.
  May 2016 Ariana Robinson
Javier Garza
I strike the canvas with bitter paint
Sink the graphite blade through the innocent White
My charcoal hides the stains
This oil will covers the cuts

Is my painting good enough for you?
Tell me now, while the flames lick my soul
Is my gift still what shames you?
Is that what liberates me still a weakness in your eyes?

I may be able to create untold horrors on empty sheets,
I may be able to draw a journey to the soul,
I may be able to give way to a masterpiece,
But to you, all these colors are what make me less than a man

So I'll splatter the ink
Slice the void
Paint my hell
Because this is Art,
This is Life
Because this is Liberation
Often times, individuals have marvelous gifts, whether they be visual arts, musical talents, or gifts that they can't deny. However, they aren't always appreciated by everyone, sometimes not even by a parent who's suppose to love and support their offsprings unconditionally. That however is the sad chapters in the story of life.
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