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  Jul 2015 Neex
Earl Jane

                                                If you are a tree,

Bombarded by extreme winds,

                                            In the amidst of a typhoon,

                                                      ­                     I'll sacrifice to be your roots,
                                                          ­       To diminish your agony,

OH, I cannot manage seeing you suffer!

                             In carrying on in a big tragedy,
                                                        ­       With utmost throe alone ,

Let me be torn and broken into fragments,
                 And be cut in combating and holding for you,

That's how much I love and care,

                                          I wish you only knew...

                       © Earl Jane
                         ♥ E.J.C.S.
  Jul 2015 Neex
What day is today?
I haven't done much sleeping.
          I can't guess that look on your face...
     I pass right through you --
       Or you through me.
                                      ...The feeling is the same,
                                No matter the details.

          "The invisible hand,"
                                They say it guides us all.
            That, in combination
                                                  With your well measured affection,
                                           Is perhaps why I feel
                                                    so small.
I promise, I'm trying to stop, I swear, really, believe me, or is this another game
Neex Jul 2015
And I'm actually bothered,
Irritated even,
But I don't know why,
Maybe I expected more.

I don't fall easily,
But I'm a helpless romantic,
My heart barely races,
But I want it to.

I've waited so long,
I don't want to believe,
That everything means nothing,
I just want to know,
That someone wants me,
As more than just a friend.
1 2 3 4, tell me that you love me more.
  Jul 2015 Neex
I feel so empty today.
Sometimes I wish
I could stand here and
Fade away.
So that no one could
see the tears running
down my face.
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