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 Jan 2016 J B Moore
it's all he said she said
until it comes to we said
don't forget the times that we bled
when we wished that we'd rather be dead

never mind those monsters that we've fed
there's words that need to be said
things that make me see red
it's all he said she said
if you can make any sense of this, let me know...then we'll both know
Drove without seeing
Heard without listening
Touched without feeling
Crooned  without caring
Mourned without crying
Spoke without words
Ate without tasting

W       I        D        E      

Need I say more.....
 Jan 2016 J B Moore
 Jan 2016 J B Moore
If I am kindling,
you must be the spark...
Much alive in the darkest dark,
lifting all shadows with
finesse and flair.

     If I am flame,
     you must be the air and wind...
     Unfettered and free...
     Cradling my infancy.
     Only to nurture and inspire,
     to groom flame to fire.

If I am faltering...
And almost extinguished,
you must be the hand...
Bearing the confidence and belief...
Awaiting the moment most opportune,
to align yourself in rhythm and tune.
So we could...
Continue to
burst forth into light.
So we could...
Resume our journey forth with might.

     Let us be our own deterrent
     from the darkness
     that comes with morrow's set.
     Hand in hand, we must...
     Because together...
          And only together,


Happy New Year to all!
 Dec 2015 J B Moore
Dana Colgan
Miles of road ahead of her,
With miles and miles behind.

Exhausted from the journey,
All aid and kindness declined.

Clouds above get darker,
Where once the sun shined.

On and on she will travel,
Until all becomes aligned.
In the darkest of our valleys
    By dark angels demented,
‘Twas once a regal temple -
    Serene spring - tauntingly tormented.
A Queen in her Domain,
    It stood there!
Under Lock and Chain;
    A maiden so fair!

Lavender curtains laden;
    On this Temple may flow
Along the Times of this Maiden -
    In the ****** snow.
And every gentle air in that field,
    Of Doomsday,
From the Black Rose’s shield -
    Their aroma passed away.

Witnessing this Ominous blolly;
    Through luminous windows -
Spirits sing in melancholy,
    In the malicious meadows.
Upon this throne I bore;
    A tintinnabulation of air -
Befitting glory’s chore,
    Of this realm’s affair.

With many a jewel gleaming,
    Against the Temple door -
The River’s light came beaming,
    Sparkling for evermore.
A troop of Angels; on their duty,
    At my doorbell, sing -
For the Silent beauty,
    Who burdens the King.

Then, the Reaper came,
    Along the Temple’s River -
For the distressed dame;
    And the sorrows within her quiver.
Above this temple of glory,
    Sagacious scenes bloomed -
Of the maiden’s story,
    The clergy that loomed.

Now; Within that valley -
    Through the reddened windows see,
Figures dancing delicately;
    To her disbanded melody.
The river - now a pale white,
    Is her decor,
Night’s sweetest silent fright -
    And flows - Nevermore.
This is based on "The Haunted Palace" by Edgar Allan Poe, although Poe told the story of a king who eventually met his demise, his castle eventually becoming haunted by the phantoms of his family.

Instead, I told the story of a woman who locked herself away from society - and speaks of how the outside world seems to her.
Poor little LIGHT!
      Did they burden thee?
Oh, shine! - Shine into the night for me!

Proud little Light!
      Did thou tear a sea?
Tear the pain! - Tear the pain!

Broken little Light!
      Angels will not break thee.
Flicker for me? - Flicker for me?

Joyful little Light!
      Shine thy glory for me,
Unto the hanging tree; where their heart shall be.
Whenever someone breaks up with you, always remember that they're missing out on something better.
To LOSE thee; is my gain,
     With hearts anew -
In Sorrow's only reprieve,
     I found the Angel's dew.

My love is written in sand,
     Drowned in their sea -
For no Beauty in this land,
     Will make a Lover of me.
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