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Arsala Aug 2020
You are not a disgrace,
You are not worthless,Hey You!
You are not a disgrace,
You are not worthless,
You are not ugly,
You are not imperfect,
You are not weak,
You are not dumb,
You are not fake.
You are a human,
You are real.
You can face anything,
You are a winner.
You can smile,
You are pretty.
You are wonderful,
You can do anything,
You deserve everything!
But, Remember,
You are a human too,
Do lean on us,
Do share your pain,
Do cry with us,
Do laugh with us,
And do be with us.
We are there for you,
You are not ugly,
You are not imperfect,
You are not weak,
You are not dumb,
You are not fake.
You are a human,
You are real.
You can face anything,
You are a winner.
You can smile,
You are pretty.
You are wonderful,
You can do anything,
You deserve everything!
But, Remember,
You are a human too,
Do lean on us,
Do share your pain,
Do cry with us,
Do laugh with us,
And do be with us.
We are there for you ...
We love you......
Arsala Jul 2020
I know I'm that someone,
Who's really hard to handle!
But hurting someone,
Is never my intention!

I'm way to staright forward,
when it comes to expressing emotions,
My words come out of my mouth,
Just like a slippery lotion!

I'm sorry to each and everyone out there,
for being so blunt,
I really did not imagined that,
it looked like, I had flaunt!

This poem is not to show off,
It's from a revee,
It's just a poem which I wrote yesterday,
out of my believe!
It's never to late to say sorry, & mean it!
*revee: revee is a sweet girl who has a sensitive heart. she will sometimes act like she is tough but on the inside she is absolutely soft.)
Arsala Jul 2020
You're the EVERYTHING i was made to believe was asking too much
Arsala Jul 2020
I wrote this for myself,
not for its appeal,

you can say what you want,
but so can I feel

Freedom of speech,
that is written in ink

you can say what you want
and I can think what I think

Yell your opinion,
try to change my mind

try, try
to make me as blind

It’s my decision,
right to decide,

You can say what you want,
but so can I

Write what you want,
sing your choice of song

you can believe that you're right,
but that doesn’t mean I’m wrong

Just because you have the right to an opinion, doesn't mean I don't.
You can think that your right
but that doesn't mean I'm wrong
You can think that your right
but that doesn't mean I'm wrong
I repeat that doesn't mean I'm wrong☺
Arsala Jul 2020
If you could read my mind,
You’d see a thousand papers
Filled with broken poetries
And deadbeat proses
Full of woeful verses
With mournful pieces
Of unfinished stories
That are yet to be written
And failed to be spoken;
If you could read my mind,
You’d hear horrible screams
And earsplitting weeps
From shattered dreams,
Kept in a nasty notepad,
Scribbled on a bed
Of bloodstained words,
Ringing in my head.
If you could read my mind,
You’d see the shadows
That lurk within me;
You’d hear the bellows,
Screeching the words
“I’m tired,”
“I’m a failure,”
“I’m stupid –”
I know it sounds stupid,
It’s pathetically foolish
And seems too *******.
If you could read my mind,
You’d feel the tears
I had ever failed to cry;
You’d see the people
That make the weak weaker;
You’d see the monsters
That consume my head;
You’d hear the hollers
That failed to be freed;
You’d see the heart
That still bleeds and bleeds.
If you could read my mind,
You’d see the face
I’ve failed to show back then,
The face I’ve faked back then.
If you could read my mind,
You’d see a character
I had ever failed to become
If you could read my mind,
You’d be able to read
A book you never wished
To touch and read,
But sometimes I still wish
Someone could read my mind
I wish someone could Read my mind I just wish😶
Arsala Jul 2020
I am not in love with you in the way that most would think of
when they hear the phrase “In love.”
But I am In love with having you in my life for the rest of eternity,
And I am in love with loving you forever
In whatever form that comes in
I'm in love 💕
Arsala Jul 2020
That changed the world
It made the sunshine
It dried up tears
It destroyed darkness
and destroyed fear
It brought joy and laughter
Mankind's antidote
It brought back peace thereafter
A thoughtful anecdote
Teeth came out of hiding
Reflecting light once more
A light too bright for fighting
The light opened a door
To your mind and to your heart
The light opened a door
To a new chance and a new start
All emanating from..
A smile
A smile you kept to yourself
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