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You looked at me
Cleared your handsome voice
Took a deep breath
Forgot all the words
Then kissed me

Beautifully expressed my sweet
Sometimes you don’t need words
Now, I would like to shift the blame from me
To somebody else
Inside of myself.
Dont scratch too much
On the surfaces,
The surfaces can scratch back.
Just Know

Most people change, some don’t

Some swim or sink, while others float

I don’t think I’m him, For I am no joke

I need to plant the seeds to grow

For I bleed and reap what I soe

I get what I give, So I give my all,

Just Know.

Thee Mind, Body & Soul, Be all of me, from head to toe.
To Heal. To Learn. To Grow.

To Just Know!
There is always Power in Knowledge !
Slip down the slippery
***** begins
Write downt the poetry
mind gets new wings
 Feb 2020 Hopeless Outlet
I hate this
I hate what’s happened
I hate what we’ve done
What I’ve done...
I don’t want you to just be some old memory
You’ve meant too much to me
I still feel the sharp pain of your absence
I feel the loss in my heart
The aching in my chest
I feel the guilt in my wrist
Ghost pains of lines that won’t fade
I feel the longing in my throat
As my eyes well with tears
Because you’re not here
And I just... I miss you...
I love you.
Another one for Jawn... I’m not sure I’ll stop missing you.... but I keep trying to remember what you’ve taught me... I want to make you proud of me.
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