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 Mar 2017 Hi people
Rebekah Lamb
If I kiss a woman, I am a lesbian
If I kiss a man, I am straight
I have this illogical need to scream at the heavens from atop a cliff
To scream I’m here in this world; I exist!
To say I am just bisexual is wrong
To say that certain aspect of me is the most oppressed is wrong
I am a woman, I am bisexual, I have tourettes, I have depression
I could go on for hours saying I ams
Saying statements that describe me
I am oppressed and stereotyped by the society I live in
So why is being bisexual the one I defend the most?
I asked myself this daily
Until I found the answer
Every other fact about me is undeniable;
I have a ******
I have diagnoses
That is tangible evidence
I have no sheet of paper with a signature of some fancy M.D.
Nor do I have some body part that labels me as bisexual
There is no definite way to tell if I am bisexual
Which makes it easier for people to say You’re just confused or It’s just a phase
And no matter how often I say it’s not; they won’t believe me
They don’t believe me because I don’t have the evidence they want
I don’t have an M.D.’s signature
I don’t have that ‘bisexual bodypart’
All I have is my own knowledge
And I don’t give a **** if that’s not good enough for you
Because I do exist
And I am here to stay
This is an old poem that I wrote quite a while ago. I think some people may enjoy it.
I'm bisexual
Or "bi"

This doesn't mean
"Wants *******"

It means
"Sexually attracted to my gender and my opposing gender"

I love boys and girls

This doesn't mean
"She can't make up her mind"

It means
"I was born bisexual"

I just came out

This doesn't mean
"Attention seeker" or "just a phase"

It means
"I'm just now feeling comfortable enough to tell you"

I'm bisexual and really proud of it.

It means that
"I don't care about the haters and I'm happy with who I am."
This is my coming out poem. If you don't like it don't read it.
 Mar 2017 Hi people
Bre Woeller
I am not confused.
I am not going through "a phase".
I am not experimenting.
I am not half gay and half straight.
I am not greedy.
I am not lying.
I do not need to make my mind up.
I am not just trying to be cool.
I am certain.
I am not saying everyone is, but
I'm Bisexual
Something to get through everyone's ******* mind when they try and talk **** about me
 Mar 2017 Hi people
If you are a girl and you are bisexual,
you're really just a ****.

If you are a boy and you are bisexual,
you're really just gay.

Bisexuality isn't a real thing,
it's a phase. You're confused.

All girls are secretly bi.
You're just more honest about it.

Bisexuals like everyone,
they don't know how to have real relationships.

Bisexuals are looking for attention,
They're dramatic,
They're confused,
They're *****


Bisexuals are people.
This bothers me to no end
 Aug 2016 Hi people
Depression is not a phase

This is a point i want to raise

Sufferers, do not seek attention

As the stigma likes to mention

Its a mental condition

Just as harmful as an addiction


And take it serious

*Depression is not a phase
~ my generation have degraded depression from being a mental illness to a way of seeking attention and the seriousness of the condition seems to have been lost an them (myself being part of this group)

Id like to re establish the seriousness that it actaully holds
Depression isn't when you know
That everything around you
Is going wrong
and you feel sad,
Depression is when you know
That everything around you
Is going right
And you still feel you sad.
 Aug 2016 Hi people
 Aug 2016 Hi people
Depression is...
Drowning but watching everyone breathe
Playing hide and go seek; never to be found
Acting; but not for a play
Depression is me losing my mind behind closed doors
Depression is digging my grave
I have become depression,
**You're next...
 Mar 2016 Hi people
James Walker
they say
what doesn't **** you
makes you Stronger
the pain lasts and the
blood-pump grows weary,
A heavy
heart is quite the burden
and shoulders only hold
so much..
for as long
as the sun
shines there will be
The tough times
Are balanced
By good times too
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