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Michael Sep 2018
For you I worry,
For you I cry,
For you I would ****,
For you I would lay down my life.

For me you are my best friend,
For me you are my world,
For me you are inspirational,
For me you are amazing.

For us the world creates problems,
For us the world wants separation,
For us the world wants us to end in different destinations,
For us the world wants us to feel disconnection.

For you I would walk to the ends of the earth,
For you I would fight for all I’m worth,
For you I would do anything,
For you I would walk through the flames of hell carrying you in my arms.
Michael Sep 2018
Through all my struggles it’s hard to say
Which for me was truly the worst day.
There have been so many disastrous days,
But one more will end that I can say.
Stress, pain and struggle is all I know,
Down is the only direction I go.
If only things where different then I’d know,
What was the worst day that I’ve ever known.
Life is built on experience,
This I know.
There’s more to life than existence,
At least I hope.
For now it is darkness,
Just like I’ve always known.
I bear this weight With sadness,
I carry it alone.
My feelings are in turmoil,
My life in disrepair.
My heart hardly beats,
It’s been beaten in there.
My mind is closing in,
It’s a war in there.
Overall I’m falling with nobody to care.
Who really knows what their worst day was. All bad days are bad, isn’t that enough?
Michael Sep 2018
When other people get involved.
It ends in disaster.
They think they know best, like lord and master.
When really they are just jealous catastrophic disasters.
If you don’t like it then leave that’s fine by me,
But don’t destroy my relationships with the people I need.

That person right there means a great deal to me,
But that doesn’t mean that you have to destroy my feelings.
There’s room for everyone or no one,
So take your seat.
Spend less time shouting at me.

My feelings get hurt,
Not that it matters.
My emotions get ignored by all others.
I may lose a friend I’m yet to see,
I just hope the worst doesn’t happen to me.
Today someone in my stepdaughters life has tried their best to ruin our friendship. And I think it’s working
Michael Sep 2018
When we are running
We are not thinking
When we are lot thinking
We are truly living.

We imprison ourselves in thought
We prevent ourselves from growing
We stay stuck in the same place
Which stops us from going.

If only we could be
Both thoughtful and free
Only then in life
Could we get what we need.

We restrict ourselves from growth
We build a prison out of the mundane
We see freedom outside
And we tell it to go away.

If only I could see
What I does to me,
If only you could believe,
What you do to you.
Just a few thoughts on how much us humans restrict ourselves.
Michael Sep 2018
Yes I know my sense of humour is dark,
But if you didn’t want to know then you should not have asked.
Yes it offends, that’s the aim of the game.
But it’s all in jest, done in humours name.

No you don’t like it, but why should I care?
If you don’t like me or my humour then stay over there.
Because when you whine about it I will fail to care.
When you complain about it you will get aired.

I don’t involve myself in your pathetic goings on,
Never at all, not even once.
So stay out of my life and mind your own for once.
I’ll never be interested in your life, so leave it you ponce.

You’re a fully grown man, that I can see.
But a pathetic little boy you will always be.
You want to give your opinion but really there’s no need,
We’d get more useful info from talking to a tree.

Your mind is tiny but your voice is loud.
You have nothing to say but you say it so proud.
I don’t care what you think and I never will,
So stop flapping your gums and keep them still.

Call whomever you like and feel you need,
Bring your army to little old me.
I will politely ask you all to leave,
And when you don’t I’ll call the police.
People have been getting a little bit upset with my dark sense of humour. Pretty sure they are jealous because they have no sense of humour.
Michael Sep 2018
I should have listened to my mother,
She told me to think before I act.
After all the struggles in life I wish I could take my thoughtless actions back,
But I can’t so that’s that.

Running this race of life,
Leaves you feeling like you just might,
Get up and disappear into the night.
I don’t want to do that, I know it’s not right.
But here I am thinking I just might.

A life of bad decisions,
Thrown in with indecision,
Mixed up with a total lack of precision,
Has left my soul feeling like I’m missing.

It’s too late to change the past,
But I need to move fast to make the future last,
And indeed to watch the present pass.
Life could have been easier, it could have been a blast.
Looking back and missing now
Michael Sep 2018
Knowing and knowing are two different things,
Therefore ignorance on two counts is an additional sin.

Not knowing and not showing,
That’s one more for the list.
If you don’t know then don’t pretend,
Because you will be caught out, in the end.

Not knowing but asking, this is ok.
If you don’t ask then you don’t find out,
Or so all the old boys would say.

But you ask and they laugh,
On the way home you cry all the way.

You would love to be smart and know everything.
But when you ask they laughed, you just can’t win.
Have you ever been told, ‘there’s no such thing as a stupid question’, yet been laughed at when you ask a question?
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