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 Oct 2018 Luke
She Writes
My Words
 Oct 2018 Luke
She Writes
I live and breathe these words
Raw emotions
Failed relationships
Love, lust, and heartbreak
These words are my life
My sanity
My blood, sweat, and tears
These words are all I have
When all is said and done
And I will cling to them
Because they are the only acceptance
I have ever known
 Oct 2018 Luke
Leave me be!
 Oct 2018 Luke
Leave me be, leave me be!
Cried the sand to the sea.
Her ceaseless thrashing;
Her moon's decree.
No more! sobbed the shore,
This is true misery!
 Oct 2018 Luke
Noni Winters
 Oct 2018 Luke
Noni Winters
I sat and I sipped
On your words as they lay
Intoxicated, my mind at play
Burning wild
Fuel for my brain
My imagination pipped
I'd be thrilled if you'd stay
 Oct 2018 Luke
Noni Winters
 Oct 2018 Luke
Noni Winters
I could use your warm embrace
Your lips sweet and tender
Your hands firmly placed
On the small of my back

I really need for you to undress me
Tie my tongue with yours
Lay me down
Enjoy me

Mark me with your teeth
Leave my skin, rosey
Hold me down
Take me

I could really use your warm embrace
Your lips taste so sweet
 Oct 2018 Luke
Jillian Jesser
Here is a night where I've hardly just awoken.
Here is a wet dog on a patio with rain.
Here is a strawberry cigar.
Here is coffee with light cream.
Here are pants, slightly too big.
Here is the murmur of my reflections, coloring the skyline black.
Here is a bottle of gin.
Here is a swing set with no one swinging.
Here is my hair growing longer, with no one there to notice.
Here is my father's one single tear, dropping and being wiped away.
Here is a moth's wing, torn and dusty, swept into the trash.
Here is my face turning tomato red, and a stutter.
Here is an endless walk, a car ride, a sleepless night.
Here is a pill, a hospital stay, a night in white.

Here are the things I leave in the dark
So I can hear you when you say,
"What's on your mind?"
 Oct 2018 Luke
Noni Winters
I stumbled upon you
Like a child
that finds a pretty stone

Bewildered by your presence
I sat and admired
Counting your cracks
Caressing what makes you glitter

You stood infront of me
Bold and beautiful
Like nothing I'd ever seen

And as you gave me your attention
I think I misconstrued your intentions

I wanted to put you in my pocket
But you said no

So there you sit
Perfectly unpolished
A love

I can only visit
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