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I don't know how it came to be
To have so many holes in me
But here I cry
By and by
Bleeding from the heart
Where so many rivers start.

I cannot explain
This inexorable pain
As I cross this river Styx
Wondering how I'd come to this
But here I am
****** and Dammed
Crying cold tears
Wondering what fate nears.

I remain here with the ferryman
Wondering how I was ever a merry man.
Crying my tears of blood
Just as any man would.
Touched so high in grace
****** for all my race.
So burning is this torment
Yet cold, silent, and dormant.

But I am no betrayer.         No, Not yet
No sin increases my fare

Charon does not bring me to that gate
But rather back home to finish my fate.
For I am not dead
And it is not living that I dread.
I have only been shown this torture
So I may avoid it in future.
I have no place in that weeping forest
Just as Dante, I was but a tourist.
But so my sorrow deep and cold
Should not permeate into my old
But rather it shall remain
a past pain.

O I shall remember
these such foul members
But it is that which makes me
Not breaks me.
These are that which become me
For I shall not succumb to these.
And so these folds shall make me
Till I feels these holes,
These rivers in my heart,
These tears of blood,
This passing of the laurel,
These faults within my ore,
No longer.
 Jan 2015 Gabby Aquino
lotus lord
You are my best friend

You a tuff strong beautiful smart young girl

When your give challenge you get through it

No matter what life thoughts at you
You get through it

You are my best friend
You are my sister

And I'm proud to say it

I love you

By the way there's a attack on titan movie coming out and your going to see it with me this summer
 Jan 2015 Gabby Aquino
Comfort is laying my head on your chest listening to your heartbeat while you run your fingertips up and down my spine.
Comfort is you holding me so close to you that I can almost feel your blood pulse through your veins.
Comfort is you randomly kissing me throughout the night while I'm asleep next to you.
Comfort is feeling your lips leave trails of kisses down my neck to my collarbones.
Comfort is feeling your fingers weaved through mine, tightening whenever someone got too close to me.
Comfort is missing your lips when I lean in for a kiss and all we can do is laugh at how clumsy I am.
Comfort is hearing you whisper sweet nothings in my ear while you run your hands down my body.
Comfort is tangling my fingers in your hair while you kiss me deeper than you ever have before.
Comfort is feeling your skin melt into mine.
Comfort is you.

You're gone now and I feel more vulnerable than ever.
***** tastes better than the thought of you and her
 Jan 2015 Gabby Aquino
lotus lord
To me I could care less if I'm popular or not
But to more high school kids it means the the world

To me I could care less about what's the newest trend for clothes
But to high school kids it means life

To me being popular is nothing because I would rather know I fit in a group who excepts for me

To me the newest trend is nothing because I'm thank full for what I have

To me being myself  is the most important not something I'm not
My little box, tell me the truth
I can't see brightness
I can't hear happiness
I'm torn in little pieces
I'm within fire storm
My little box, don't blame me
When I miss my torturer
When I miss my torture
When I miss my pain
My little box, it's not your fault
It's my fault to love
It's my fault to trust
It's my fault to be hurt
I'm the only one to blame
My little box, show me
The way to my agony
Feed me with your misery
Jail my hopes and dreams
And have me put to sleep
My little box, grant my wishes
To never have a life
To never be happy
To never wish for coming days
And never let her leave you again
© Copyrighted
Abdullah Ayyash
January 9th, 2015
 Jan 2015 Gabby Aquino
lotus lord
season 2 comes out in 2016

i cant stand it
you don't fallow the book on the ending
yet you make me 2 years to see season 2

i know they don't fallow the book
but yet its so good

there trying to **** be to me by making we wait so long for attack on titan
this is not funny i want it to come out now
To those who feel the darkness,
To those who starve with pain,
To those who are rejected,
To those who live in rain.

I will be your friend,
Though none others seem to be,
Though people start to hate you,
And no one seems to see.

We all have problems, we all have sin,
We all live masks and lies,
We all forget our decency,
And say things that bring demise.

So when no one else accepts you,
Still  I will be your friend.
When all is falling down around you,
To the very end.

Our Father loves us, wants to help,
And will take away despair,
He’ll fix our hearts and broken souls,
And wipe our conscience bare.
 Jan 2015 Gabby Aquino
it has been said for ages that a woman
could lead a man willingly to his demise
a song or a dance; a touch or a glance
simple gestures could dumbfound the wise
these have always just been strange stories
tall-tales or faerie-tales, even outright lies
until half a year ago. until the day that I-
became so very lost within her deep blue eyes
it was just a simple look
that's all it took              
my heart missed a beat
then it shook

and in that moment, I finally did realize
how very powerful they can be; a woman's eyes
January 8, 2015

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