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 May 2014 Frederik B
I bit open a lie and it tasted like you.
 May 2014 Frederik B
Katelyn Rew
Sorrow found me, he found me in my bed, he came in through my heart, and lodged there in my head.
He was rather rude you see, he didn’t ask if he could stay, he told me that recent circumstances had lead him straight this way.
"What ever do you mean" I said, and he pointed to my heart, "It’s broken into pieces, you’ve all but fallen apart."
At this I exclaimed, and looked down at my chest, he was right, my heart, it was a complete mess.
I stood back for a moment and wondered what to do, sorrow looked at me bleakly, and said as if on cue.
"There’s nothing that can be done here, I’m telling you all is lost, you better make some room, because I’m staying at all cost."
With that I shook my head, and realised with a start, that sorrow was but an illusion, and I alone had the power to fix my heart.
I took it and
swallowed my aches down with
three cubes of sugary smiles while
digging up six feet of dirt
shoving it in without a proper funeral, but
now it's come back.
In this city, every morning begins with a Siren
one bright and brilliant Eastern Awakening
that doesn't carry with it a threat
to sing us lovingly to some romantically unknown demise.

Yet we've forgotten that our ears aren't the only part
of ourselves capable of hearing & we've forgotten
of how our eyes read each others long before language
could be taught with structure.

So we lay in bed and await
the cheaper sirens of bad news or an alarm
to superficially awake us and send us off to tally
another day towards death.

I overhear people in the bustle speak of life
as if it were paused in the present, so I buy my
black coffee and when you don't hear me say thank-you
its because you never looked up.
 May 2014 Frederik B
And tonight, I cry so hard..
I'm wake up, and I don't know where I am.
I'm alone and lost.

And tonight, I cry so hard..
It's like I've been sleep-walking these few months..
I don't know what am I doing here..

And tonight, I cry so hard..
This is not what I'm dreaming of..
This is not what I want..

I opened my eyes. I just knew, that I'm lost.
I see that tiny light. yeah, that's hope
but it's so far away.
so so far away.. and I just can't walk anymore.
I just can't take this life no more.

Fate is kind. that's what I always said.
I believe that everything happens for a reason.

Now I kneel down. I ask God.
Dream is the only thing I've got.
Why did he take it from me?
Hope is the only thing I've believed.
Why did he take it away?

And tonight, I pray.
*"Thy will be done."
 May 2014 Frederik B
Kay P
At one point he realized that if he hugged me hard enough our hugs don’t last as long

It reminds me of the way some people take pills
if you take enough all at one time
perhaps the dosage will be strong enough
to run through your blood like runners in a race
to blissfully declare that it’s all for nothing and nothing for all
that the feeling of my shoulderblades cracking under pressure
is better than overdosing on pills

It reminds me of the way some people gorge on food
because if you eat it all as fast as you can
it takes a few minutes before your stomach feels that its too much
and if you wait to puke it all up in the bathroom of your school after lunch
maybe the feel of ***** and the burn in your throat
is worth the taste of all that food
that you ate too fast to enjoy it

It reminds me of the way some people use their orajel
because if you sit there are you numb one spot
all the other aches are suddenly so appearant
because all of you hurts, doesn’t it?
Not just one tooth, but all the others
and if you numb the one distracting you
suddenly your whole mouth is in disarray
and you hurt everywhere

It reminds me of life support
because a machine pumping what you were born with into your body
reminds me of the way I cling like a child to their mother’s skirts
to you as if you were my only living teddybear
because I know that if you were to walk away one day
I could go on living
and that fact alone makes it that much likely
that you’ll stay even longer

because I don’t think I need you
but I want you around anyway
May 1st, 2014
 May 2014 Frederik B
9:49 am
 May 2014 Frederik B
spending each day on the verge of tears takes its toll.
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