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Two hundred years ago and yesterday
a sailor wrote a letter in longhand,
entrusting it to the road
back to his beloved,
where dawn was breaking
at the closest port of call.

A century ago, a shy and lovely
mail order bride wrote
to the man who would be her husband,
in a land entirely different from her own.

In her delicate, sincere questions, from a
heart wrapped in ornate brocade layers of
kimono silk, she hoped to begin to know him.

Relationships formed gracefully, over time,
an ocean of water and thought intervening.

Water and air may be there
keeping souls apart,
until they are meant to be united.
Now, two beloved young friends have found
in each other a twin flame, first seen shining
in the virtual world of today. With only letters,
or flares or morse code, these two would have
seen, and known, that light within one another.

Souls destined from very early on.

My loving eyes have seen them, decades from now,
leaning into one another, silver hair entwined
as they rest their heads together on one more journey.

I defy anyone who might challenge me,
seeing these two blossoming in love
from a virtual, chance encounter, 
to say that life is any less real
in the ways that matter most,
when it is born in abstract space,
in this manifestation of a reality
that is in itself a metaphor for

Reality, is living,
deeply living,
the inexplicable,
exquisitely simple
of being fully human.
For Lynn and Josh ~
©Elisa Maria Argiro
If only temporarily,
the Milky Way
took up residence
along my spine today.

I can still feel, and even
see it, softly glowing there
although I know, rationally,
it chooses to live elsewhere.
Jai Guru Dev
©Elisa Maria Argiro
A sea of gratitude splashes
onto the inner walls
of this humbled heart
within me.

Seasons, poets, places, people,
singing, devotion, faith, trust...

Years have rained down like
petals from a flowering tree.

Abundance blesses me
in true simplicity.

As my soul enters the womb
of renewal, unexpected blessings
wing across the world to say hello
from where our sun already shines.

Manila, New Zealand, Delhi, Chennai,
where you are it is already morning,
  and the warm sunlight of your day
shines in your greetings and wishes.

May the bliss that you bring me,
dear world family, splash all over
your own dear hearts, and may
peace and harmony be ours
on this beautiful blue planet!
A very special thank you to all my new poet friends around the world! Even poet to poet, you mean more to me than I can ever say!
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Anticipatory quiet,
and the gathering fullness
builds upon itself in secret,
unknown ways.

Here in this old kitchen,
morning finds you in a shirt
silkscreened with one distant
cluster of stars.

Emblematic, a medicine shield
guarding a silent, wise heart
equally full of light.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Each winter it happens again,
deepening its way into my bones.

Light, lengthening the days, even as
cold plummets to colder.

Gentle, promising colour of sun in
an angle that warms the wall.

Sneaking up from behind to give
heat to my back, you were paler,
even unavailable, until today.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
The body, when
it's fasting
becomes so aware.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
On a New Year's Day in Reykjavik
I stood at the very top of that old city,
intending to visit the Cathedral there.

All at once, there it was. And it was in charge.

A gust of wind so strong that it grabbed and
  slid me, speeding across several metres of ice,
only to slam, face first, into the broad chest
of a resident British Embassy staffer.

Genially, he smiled down and introduced
himself with gentlemanly aplomb.
No wonder they had an empire. At least for a while.

Oh, that wind! Ever seen snow moving horizontally?
Or felt a hole being drilled, in one ear, almost out the other?

Deep in the ancient countryside, on the way to the sea,
is a lonely valley, held captive by the power of a brutal
Gigantic troll. There, this wind has its greatest rival.

Even if you can't see them, just tell me you don't feel them...

In Reykholt now, that bullying wind buffets a cozy house,
but to no avail, for angels watch over a newborn baby girl.

Her mother, just a girl when we first met,  
now sings tenderly to her own new daughter.
Both are princesses of this beautiful island country.

Finding kindness, that tough old wind has sent
Halldora's lullaby across the open ocean,
  over wide blue skies, and onto this snowy prairie
where I hear it and cradle it softly, and so gently, to my heart.
In honor of a newborn Icelandic princess
©Elisa Maria Argiro
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