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Warm as honey in sunlight
soaking into my soul, being
my soul's core whenever
you are here with me.
Voice of sweet melancholia
and ripe, enduring strength,
so tender, and so earthy.
Bravely you began again,
autumn years bringing
seasoned song like no
other to a world in need.
Obrigada, from my heart.
For Cesaria Evora (1941-2011)
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Somewhere between the dream of what it could be
and what it wanted to be, this poem hightailed it
out of town. Down the road it went, careening into
hedgerows, jostling small birds from their resting
time. Running for all it's worth, out to the sea cliffs
then arrested, stock still, before all that immensity.
Chagrined by such a rash attempt at escape, even
blushing a bit, it wondered about strange things:
What would it be like to be a badger? To always be
dressed in all those lovely stripes? To never have bad
wardrobe days?  Or what about an otter, with such
strong muscles, and an utter delight for swimming?
To never really feel the cold? These are the things a
poem can wonder about, when it isn't quite sure, just
right then, in the present moment, how to be a poem.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Juicy persimmon of the color spectrum,
you wait, as paint, for the right brush
to give you an imaginary life.

Live it up! Dance in all your glowing
intensity! Ultramarine now offers you
cooling shade, and a respite from all
that you so vibrantly are.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
An infinitely delicate green
gently disguised verbena
leaf, shyly beginning to
undress for a morning
bath in sunlight and pure,
chilly water. Where did she
ever get the idea that she
was too green to celebrate?
©Elisa Maria Argiro
I still want to dance for you!
And until I do, I will dance
in the spaces between our
floating, virtual words.
To no one in particular,
with all my heart.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
The sweetest smile, and all for me.
Loves come and go.
She stays on.

Smiling into the night ahead,
long dark hair
spread out widely
on her pillow, slender
arms resting
on all that softness.

She is the one who brings visions
in the depths of night.

Lucid clarity
and saturated, unknown colors.

Unvisited places, deeply longed for.

She tells me about the life within everything.

Underneath these words she gives me,
are sacred, and secret images,
abiding in silence,
abiding in vast inner space.

At last,
she is loved.

And she is listened to.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Say what we mean.
Say what we must.
Honor the poets' code with
every word we write.
May our muses bring us authenticity!
Thank you, Carl Sandburg.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
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