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 Nov 2015 Miss Jasmin
I was once a lost star
Trying to find home in every galaxy that i come across
Wandering through every asterisms
Tracing the images in my mind
Making me wonder if one day*
I, too, will be part of an art in the starry night sky
Light years away, i travelled
Meteors, asteroids, comets passed me by
They said hello but after a while, already waved goodbye

And then I came across you
A star, which happens to be lost, too
We danced through the moons of Jupiter
We sang across the Milky Way
We even made magical rainbows
On planets along our way

And for the first time I felt
That not only I, was a lost star anymore
Together, we make constellations
Through the celestial space
With our incandescent light
That illuminates the whole sky
With that I came to realize
That we finally found our home
*In each other’s radiance
Yay for the first poem i posted here! Still kinda hard to believe i composed this though. Oh and, this is for MY love :)
A modern day Henry VIII
You royally ******* me over.
We get ****** up and my head starts spinning

You giggle out an apology...
                                                      ­                                                                  *******.

I k-k-k-keep re-reading the line above your eyebrow
Stupid, stupid boy.
I gag on the taste of your breathing,
Your face so close our eyelashes interlock.

Strumming your fingers on my rib cage,
you crack my chest wide open.

****, ribs, and heartbeats.
You embed yourself between my lungs
Pressing palms into my spinal chord.

You fill me until I threaten to fall apart, only to gingerly remove yourself.

                                                      ­                         *I think I'm growing up
 Aug 2015 Miss Jasmin
kiss me
on my scars
it's been a long
and cold day
of war
and all
I want
is something
warm and soft
against my skin
because healing
is a slow process.
Your problems seem so small
When you walk through the hospital walls.
Not mine, property of george watsky
 Aug 2015 Miss Jasmin
 Aug 2015 Miss Jasmin
"I went to the hospital"
        I remember
"I wanted to stop breathing so you'd come back"
        Don't say that
"I whispered your name when I was asleep"
        You did?
"That's what I was told when I woke up"
       You always have talked in your sleep
"I wanted you to come back"
        *I never wanted to leave
Based on a real conversation
 Aug 2015 Miss Jasmin
This is not the place
to tell someone you love them
for the first time,
and although I do not believe you,
I smile.

You are not the one
who should be apologizing.
I am the one leaving,
I will take that piece of you with me
(the one you said was mine).

There are flowers beside my bed
sprayed and dyed into
the type of artificial beauty
that can only be appreciated against a white room.

You look at my hands so you do not have to
face the blue circles under my eyes.
You try to laugh like we used to
but there is a carefulness to your disposition
that was never there before;
you are afraid to break me.

I think it's strange that
your heart seems more shattered than mine;
that I try to stay strong for you.
I think it's unfair that
when visiting hours end and you stand to leave,
you drop my hand one finger at a time
and you tell me you love me like
it is the last time,
every time.
I think it is unfair
that you are the one
with last words.
I can't believe what just happened to me
My heart is pounding and I'm drenched in sweat
This was the way *** was designed to be
A crazy ******* I'll never forget

The way you fit inside me was the best I've ever felt
This was the best *** I've ever had
Everything about you makes me start to melt
But something about this still makes me sad

Maybe it's because of all the distance
It drives me mad and causes my teeth to grind
I need you and your ****** assistance
But for now, our only *** is in my mind

Instead of you, I only feel my fingers
Instead of ***, I sadly *******
The thought of you afterward always lingers
But the loneliness is something I still hate
 Aug 2015 Miss Jasmin
 Aug 2015 Miss Jasmin
Everything is so versatile,
I wait for hours for you,
To just talk for a while.

You have a half minute conversation,
And am left with eyes of tears and face with smile.
What if I could let you know of, without hesitation?

But you are someone's, not mine...
And one day with this schedule,
My darling, I'd be fine.

Though it hurts a lot, that everything you forgot.
But now, I love the symbol of my love, these tears brine...
They take away all the anger for you every moment.

And I am made to love you even more,
Even though, for you am a parallel line..
I bolt the door and spill my emotions on the floor...

Have you ever seen my condition through that peep hole?
Let me name him, gladiator for this site.. Am just too afraid to ever let him know about my feelings... Just mine, after all...
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