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  Jan 2015 Jasmin
Jared Cruz
Hello weary star farer,

You have come a long way,
bumping through every asterism,
wondering if you would one day be
part of an art in the starry night sky.

I am but an old star with a dying heart,
plummeting to knave abyss.
As hope crashes down with me,
I come across you, oh weary star farer.

You took me to dance on the moons of Jupiter.
We sang our lungs out through the milky way.
Suddenly, all the other stars faded,
and giving up was overrated.

Your tired soul ignited mine,
giving birth to love so divine.
Rest now, oh weary star farer.
We are now home in each other's radiance.
This is in reply to a special poem my girl made for me during Christmas. Thank you Jasminium for inspiring this piece and my heart.
Jasmin Dec 2014
I was once a lost star
Trying to find home in every galaxy that i come across
Wandering through every asterisms
Tracing the images in my mind
Making me wonder if one day*
I, too, will be part of an art in the starry night sky
Light years away, i travelled
Meteors, asteroids, comets passed me by
They said hello but after a while, already waved goodbye

And then I came across you
A star, which happens to be lost, too
We danced through the moons of Jupiter
We sang across the Milky Way
We even made magical rainbows
On planets along our way

And for the first time I felt
That not only I, was a lost star anymore
Together, we make constellations
Through the celestial space
With our incandescent light
That illuminates the whole sky
With that I came to realize
That we finally found our home
*In each other’s radiance
Yay for the first poem i posted here! Still kinda hard to believe i composed this though. Oh and, this is for MY love :)

— The End —