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In the deepest hole.
On the highest mountain peak
My heart points to you
Oh When I see you there
Dressed in I used to care
I see that in your eyes
That I'm so far away

I can afford a smile
Because It's been awhile
Since i've been in your eyes
But now I'm so far away

My ghost wanted to see
What had happened to me
But you just blinked
and then you looked away

So I am stranded here
Between relief and fear
With in the simple cage of
supposed better days
Sometimes I miss the toll
The bells of singing souls
That echoed in our time
But now I'm so far away

And everyday it seemed
We were out chasing dreams
Within each others eyes
But now I'm so far away

My ghost wanted to see
What had happened to me
But you just blinked
and then you looked away

So I am stranded here
Between relief and fear
With in the simple cage of
supposed better days
I know that you moved on
Well before I was gone
The tears had left your eyes
Waiting for those better days
A song about the greatest love of my life and how hollow I feel now that we have passed each other on the roads of life
Her eyes a flicker flurry
In my drifting dreams
Leaving cotton mouthed gentlemen
Ablush as she beams

A mystery of the ages
So very hard to find
She shows what she's been wishing for
With a subtle sort of mind

Hide not when she approaches
You get just that one cue
To show her you're the honey bee
And shes the morning dew
3 lines to the woman who dances in my dreams
I found a book of poems
in a beautiful heart wood chest
And written across its sturdy lid
Was the word "hope", like sunday best

Upon this book of poems
Lay a velvatine writting pen
And vials of ink from distilled life
For writing letters to her friend

When I went to read her words
 I discovered the lock on it
The key she gave that opened her room
Was never the key that would fit

So I put her poems back
I was nothing more than a guest
And with the blood that ran from my eyes
Next to "hope", I wrote the word "less".
A dream is never too old
It will never be over
For it is your breath upon which it relies
And as long as your heart beats
Or promises are made to yourself
The gratitude of life will remember

Love is worthy of you
As you are of it
And art is your mistress
Wait not another moment
Live believing in chance
Your dream will know what to do

But do not rely solely upon fate
You are destiny knowing the secret
Love will always be true
If you will live
As if you have already found it
Because it is trying to find you
I miss a lot of people in my life,
lost so many due to strife;
i woke up having them on my mind,
although most of them were never kind;
The old times are what i might never get,
but right now i have no regret;
i believe dat tomorrow is gone for good,
i need to live in today the way that i should;
right now i pray for a  better tomorrow,
a period without pain nor sorrow.
When you find something
There is something you lose
You have to be willing
You can't be afraid
That's who you are now
But you will remember what you lost
For those are the steps you first took
And while you may never take them again
They remind you that no matter where you stand
You will find another place
If you are strong enough to begin again
I know how I feel
And there are so many words to say
You said I say them all too easily
So I'll say what is hard
I love you

It's not a song
Not something without commitment
I have my way to make them feel
But also a way to walk away
Without saying I do

Words can hit the mark
So can two bodies laying naked
Until we have a problem
How can we really know
If our love is true

I can't bluff you anymore
It's easy to live alone without fear
But I will never be a man
Until I see the tears
That I planted inside of you
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