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E - Each
T - time
H - her
E - eyes
R - reflect
E - endless
A – astral and serene
L - light
Mrs Timetable’s Poetry challenge for world poetry day.
Acrostic using Ethereal and the word Serene.
I have so many
Different sides to me
I'm starting to think
I'm geometry
Go figure
E - Effervescent whispers echo in the wind
T - Tranquil moonlight casts a serene spell
H - Hibiscus toss moonbeams
E - Emerald leaves shimmy
R - Radiant stars gleam in the night sky
E - Enchantment reigns
A - All seems right with the world
L - Love is a possibility
Mrs.Timetable challenge
Evening is on the take
The sun herself senses it
Her heat is slipping away
Eclipsed by cold, arctic tendrils
Rilling through the fragile geography
Earth is a strong fighter though
Able to restore itself in serene defiance
Light she brings to keep night in its place
Written for the challenge to write an acrostic poem to the word Ethereal, using the word serene somewhere in the poem by Mrs. Timetable.
Every friend is sunshine
To exile the darkness
Haul away the hate
Every friend is lightning
Roses of lightning in dew
Easels of ease near oceans
A rare joy to behold
Let us go to the shore of serene!
For the challenge to write an acrostic poem
to the word Ethereal, using the word serene
somewhere in the poem by Mrs. Timetable.
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