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 Sep 2020 Alex
Dear Dad
 Sep 2020 Alex
There are so many things I want to tell you, but never will.
So many things that I can't even mask with another puff of smoke or a pill.
Believe me, these are not things you want to hear, like, "I love you," or "I had a great day at school today," or even, "Guess what? I made a 26 on the ACT on my first try."
Although the latter is true, I no longer wish to tell you these things anymore because this is my reality:
I resent you.
Yes, resent.
To feel bitterness at a circumstance or person.
I resent you for putting so much pressure on my ACT score and then when I finally tell you what I made you say, "Oh, okay."
As if all the work I put into school meant nothing to you in that moment even though all of my hard work, I do to please you.
I resent you for taking away the one person in my life that made me truly happy.
He was my light; my salvation.
Because you disapproved, whether it was of him or the effort I put into him, you took him from me.
You broke me.
Because of your version of 'protection' I did not feel the need to sleep anymore.
My pupils drowned in tears and my hands trembling from sweeping up the broken pieces of my heart all by myself.
I resent you for not taking me seriously when I told you I wanted to **** myself.
I resent you for telling me that my depression. the way I feel behind the mask of me that you created, was just a phase.
That I would get over it.
I resent you for not talking to me, just to see how I'm doing.
I would sit in my bedroom for hours marveling over self made cuts that burned under the holy water that was my tears.
I resent you for not wanting me.
You can tell me whatever you want, but I spent the first 12 years of my life making up stories about you and my mother because I couldn't remember who you were.
Where were you?
I resent you for not getting to know me, and assuming that because I am your daughter you know everything about me.
I resent you for trying to fix me and then claiming to read me like a book only to go and sit me on a shelf.
I resent you.
When I ran away, I expected you to take it as a sign.
It was a suicide attempt that you brushed off your shoulders because you refused to believe that I am troubled.
I resent you.
I resent you for accepting my fake smiles and posed happiness as the real deal when inside I am screaming into the void for you to realize that I am troubled.
That despite my best efforts, I am real.
I resent you.
Maybe we get along sometimes but that is my façade.
My way of mirroring acceptance regardless of its legitness.
My weakness is my ability to notice what you cannot comprehend.
I wake up every morning blasting death grips in my head phones, pondering the fixation of a life's worth of unsolved problems.
I've told you a thousand times of my achievements and of my feelings and those three dreadful words, "I love you."
I promise that somewhere deep inside my resent turns to love, but it is dangerous for someone like me to truly love.
And I promise that I am trying to get my tongue to forget how that tastes.
Because every time I say, "I love you,"
I resent you.
I hate to admit it, but I have never been as truthful as I am being in this very moment.
 Sep 2020 Alex
Pixie Ellis
Do you call me baby girl because you don't take me for a woman?

Treating love like child's play,
As I go from pulling pink love me not petals from roses,
To the own hairs on my head.

You say girls are just crazy,
Too complex for you,
Treating us like some kind of,
Chinese maze-rubik cube.
We're more like 20q.

When you come home from a night with the boys,
And we're giving the four W's.
But sweet boy you reek of her perfume.

Cheap flowery scent of female, £5.99 at Boots?
You act like you didn't choose.
As I sniff the scent of pink petal roses,
On your shirt and on your neck.

White shoulder,
Bruised baby blue.
As you baby girl me till your face turns blue,
But I can't even look at you.

Because who?

Who's lips were on neck?
What do you expect to happen next?
When there's lipstick on your collar,
And her caller ID is a private number.

Why did I pick you?

Like the beautiful flower in bloom,
How could I not realise that it was you?
The sour taste like perfume in my mouth,
Fingers like thorns,
Empty wishes filling my heart with love me nots.

But then maybe it's me,
Innocent pink petal pulling herself apart,
But baby boy, baby boy.
My pink blood runs blue.
You can try pluck my petals,
But it'll never make a man out of you.

- p.d.e
This was written as a spoken word poem, I like to read some aloud kinda like slam poems. But I still wanted to share never the less.
 Sep 2020 Alex
 Sep 2020 Alex

The definition of thot [that ** over there], via Urban Dictionary

A woman who pretends to be the type of valuable female commodity who rightfully earns male commitment—until the man discovers that she’s just a cheap imitation of a “good girl” who is good for nothing, and definitely not for relationships or respect.

If women are products, then thots are cheap goods. More than that, they’re knockoffs: low-quality merchandise that attempts to masquerade as luxury items.

They generally dress in cheap clothing, try to act like they're better than they really are, or think they're not ****** but high class when they're nothing close to classy. They demand respect, money, gifts, dates but do nothing to deserve any of it because they have no self-respect, no manners, low self esteem, little education and on top of all that they are thots because they have no self worth.


he called me a thot.
the same blood-boy nightmare who bragged about his ******* and double cup. too cheap to buy actavis generics, so he drank himself into a stupor on walgreens brand dye-free cough syrup. he acted black, said words white boys shouldn't have near their mouths. his friends were ableist at the best, and misogynist at worst.

he called other girls thots too.
but i was different. stick-and-poke told trans king who told american spirit who told blood-boy what i confided in a friend. a story that ends and begins with my tears, tears from gagging, tears from telling my mother about the worst three minutes of my life and how my knees and heart hurt afterwards.

i embodied thot.
left my family for friends, joked about the pain until it hurt even more. i found myself crying in bathroom stalls, looking down at my body in the bathtub as i learned to breathe water. the girls said i was thick, i didn't know if they meant it in a good way. the boys said worse. i wore camouflage pants, comme de garçons tops, air force ones. i jumped on trends like a wild cat stalking prey. but i could never catch anything worthwhile with my soft, clawed paws.

he smiled like he was better than me.
after blood-boy stunned summers and winters alike, burned spring and fall, and for what? to call me a thot? i knew what i was to him. but he didn’t define me anymore.

he called me a thot.
and this time i fought back with my eyes, didn’t just sit there and feel words welling up inside.
because even thots are queens.
because i used to be deciduous, but now i’m evergreen.

 Sep 2020 Alex
Miranda Renea
Depression is a hooded figure standing just outside of a wooden doorway,

Blood dripping down your skin and having the sick thought of  “Oh, look how beautiful the red is”

(everyone always says red is my color).

Depression is writing sick poetry on skin and publishing it with scars, cutting on ankles, not wrists because you’re scared you’ll get in trouble but you so desperately need to be seen, and never are.

Depression is accepting ruin in life with this hole in your chest because death is a reward, an escape from this pain you deserve to feel.

It is writing the word “alone” and seeing the word “home”, accepting the torment like a gift because you’ve earned it.

Depression is admitting suicidal thoughts to paper and not to people, and loving the broken things, hoping to tie them together, thinking maybe things will get better, but knowing that’s just wishful thinking because

Depression is tying yourself together with the severed nerves in your heart;

It is rope, it is ribbon, it is thread, it is DNA;

It is hearing your mother call you monster and disgusting through the too-thin walls of your door when she thinks you can’t hear,

And depression is sadness being a privilege you’re too pathetic to have.

It is a hug, a freezing touch, a reminder that
Depression is being birthed a lie.

And it is shutting yourself behind that wooden doorway
And hearing your family laugh like cackling hyenas,
Eating at your self esteem like softened prey
And learning at a young age to love family always but that family isn’t always love because

Depression is family.

It is an unfurnished home,
An empty frame,
A foot when the shoe hasn’t been broken in yet,
you when life hasn't been broken in yet,
Seeing happy people and thinking they all look the same, like the front covers of magazines with grins reaching their eyes while yours can’t, and wishing you could package your smiles into tiny little piles and hand them to people more deserving of them because you know you’re wasting them with half-assed lines of “I’m fine”

Depression is having to view your past as if it wasn’t yours, because to accept it as reality is to accept finality of your life through suicide.

It is the note masked inside of a poem,
Envisioning pills as if they were peace,

Depression is the last stanza,
It is the audience,
It is this microphone,
It is me standing in a room full of strangers
And for the first time finally feeling like I'm being heard.

Depression is a hooded figure standing just outside of a wooden doorway that keeps pounding, possessive, ******, but when you open the door out of anger and shout “I’M SCARED” to thin air, your voice comes out as a whisper.

And silently, the figure replies;  
“I know your favorite color.”
The final edit of my slam piece.
 Sep 2020 Alex
Miranda Renea
I cut myself about a week ago
And was genuinely surprised
To see it scar. Makes me want
To take a line off of the flesh.
Or two. Or three. Or four.
How far until I never come back?

I never have the effort
To finish anything but
Boys who take advantage
Of the stupors I put myself in.

— The End —