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Green Feb 4
Akin to a tree with no shade,
A branch with no fruit ,
It stands tall with no weight ,
A husk with no shade .
Promised the men,
"The tree to provide shade,
To those who eat the fruit" .
With only fruits to be imaginary,
Men stand staring ,
Into the empty husk .

If a dove to approach ,
If a dove to question ,the 'fruits',
“The dove to be lit up " ,said the men,
“It harms the tree “, said the men,
" The Luscious tree cannot be fathomed,
As it not be questioned by simple minds " ,said the men.

The simple minded crow,
To pray for its shade .
For no seem found ,For men still stares.
Stares he at the fallen branches ,
Of a tree with no fruits.
I initially started writing this with a belief of agnosticism . After finishing it I realised the fruit doesn't have to be the "promise of salvation " It can just be any unfulfilled promise.
Any unfulfilled promise that men try to keep alive cause they benefit from the ignorance of people like the crow.
A dove initially in my mind was a heritic during the 18th century where they were lit up for questioning or going against catholic Church.
But in the end I realised it could be just about anyone who questions a stupid promise.
The shade is supposed to represent comfort in the fruit. Hope you had a good read .
And let me know if you throught this had any other interpretations according to you. (┛✧Д✧))┛
Green Feb 2
An icy cold hand ,
Dragging me through river styx .
He is not one to speak .
But the shadows of me asked,
"Why did I choose to die? "
The echoes crawled through the dead
Never bothered to be answered
Kinda of a short poem
Describing maybe sometimes death is in fact a punishment and something that cannot be sympathised with
In direct contrast to my other poem
Called "to persophone "
Green Feb 2
When tides change ,
And sides change.
The hero falls prey to a new justice,
And villains change to the new justice.

A genocide of millions,
Is a promise to a billion .
A proof of God's inexistence to millions,
Becomes a roof of his existence to billions.

Right or wrong - a matter of perspective .
Forgotten are stories, of villains fighting.
Written are histories ,of heroes surviving.
The myths of heroes appear as nightmares for villains.

Love to some ,
Turns into hate for others.
They aren't ,the moral right ,
They are just ,the mortal plight.
Green Feb 1
Does a dead man breath ?
Does not so ,I suppose.
But the dead man breaths .
Haunted by his past ,
Haunted by his future,
The dead man breaths.

Does a dead man breath?
Does not so, I suppose.
But the dead man breaths.
By not his actions ,
By actions of his sons.
By not his oaths ,
By oaths of his sons.

Does a dead man breath?
Does not so ,I suppose.
But the dead man breaths.
Holding everything he loved ,
Holding every speck ;with his love ,
He closed his eyes,
He closed his life.
Thus the dead man breathed.
I found a very interesting comment on a video
It said " A dead man breaths "
It led to a profound realisation that if a dead man to breathe
It to not by him but the duties he served in life
And through not by him but through what he created
So Ye I really just liked the comment and kinda tried to expand on it poetically
I think this is very different from my average poems
But hope you liked it nonetheless
Green Jan 31
Your purrs, soothing .
Your whiskers, fluttering.
Your cheeks , rubbing.
Your noises, calming.
Your scratches , healing.

Oh I wonder ,
To not be for you ,
I might had laid alone .
To not be for you ,
I to question god.
To not be for you ,
I to cease existing .
As you gave me meaning ,
A meaning for all .

Oh my beloved cat ,
You hanged on tight .
So to make it right,
I hang onto you.
How you hang onto me.
I ******* love and adore my cat
He is the cutest little furball ever to exist
I would go to hell just to see him once again
Green Jan 31
Is it the butterflies?
Is it the warmth?
Is it the touch?

Said is comparison,
To be the killer of joy.
So is it to believe,
To be the killer of love?

Is it to wait,
Or to be ;waited for?
Is it to search
Or to be ;searched for?
Is it to care,
Or to be; cared for ?

To not be loved,
But to love.
Or to be loved ,
And not love?
Watched a good yt essay on what romance is like in the modern day
Got inspired from there
Hope u enjoyed it <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠>
Green Jan 31
“See seasons slowly seizing,

****** season starting sneezing,

Summers slowing, Stopped snowing ,

Seashell seeing lies spreading ,

Seaming roots severely scathing,

See the state we saw the seeds in.

Feeding flies, for flower farming ,

Farmers fighting for fields frosting,

Famines fighting, for ties are falling,

Far forgotten days felt freeing,

Failed we, for blooming buds,

Failed we, to fight looming death “
Supposed to be about global warming
It's not that deep :(
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