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 Aug 2017 Paul
 Aug 2017 Paul
I tore down every bridge,
and every wall to let you in.

I dried lakes, rivers, oceans,
to save you from drowning.

I found myself,
draining in weakness to strengthen you.

You became powerful, you became immortal,
you became my god.

Now I clench onto this sadness of mine.
The loneliness you left behind.

Its the only thing that reminds me,
our story was once alive.

Its my safe place.
When you're gone,

and I need a muse to help
bleed all this pain out.

Like tonight,
when writing about the moon,
can no longer help me survive.

To Drew..
I suppose
she always
When thoughts are cut short
 Aug 2017 Paul
Indigo Child
 Aug 2017 Paul
An indigo child
Thickened hair
A sorceress kind
Beautiful and fair

Natural powers
She carries in her
Sits alone for hours
Looking out afar

Blue crystal eyes
Sheds a little tear
Blows out the lies
That her ears hear

The elements unite
Upon her meditate call
To fight the negatives
That cling the wall

A precious child
Blessed by the nature
Tamed yet wild
Ready for the future...

Inspired by an online article.
 Aug 2017 Paul
shannea magina
an ambition, a dream
pumped up hearts and faith
we are not as different as them

in the rain, we shivered
when duty calls they say we are brave
but our hands shakes as we gripped the spear

is it the blood,
or is it death?
what of this fear we cannot take?

the droplets turned to angry music
we were terrified
of what?

too scared to lose a roof in the storm
anxiety creeps on our beds
we are sleepless again

our comfort is not ours to keep
because life is a battle
where no one really wins
 Aug 2017 Paul
Melissa S
You were born on Wednesday
Almost a year to the day
Since Mamma had passed away.....
Elizabeth Anne
Head full of dark brown curls
Just like your mother
My sister
It was my first time seeing a baby born
It was beautiful and a little disgusting
All at the same time
I may or may not have had to hold up
the wall for a brief moment or two :)
Just goes to show you something beautiful
did come out of this evil darkened world
A world so cruel as to take a mom
from three daughters who still needed her so
I was just eighteen and beginning my freedom
and you were just born and beginning your life
For my niece Bethanne ❤️
 Aug 2017 Paul
Mike Hauser
My mother thinks I'm a doctor
I just don't have the guts
To tell her I spent all my college doe
On beer, wine, women and such

So after I faked my graduation
Said I was moving to the South
To help the less fortunate among us
Another lie I let slip out

I'm now in the south of Florida
Where some may call me a ***
Living in a citrus grove along the coast
Not answering to anyone

It's really not such a bad life
This do nothing life I've made
I hear Moms proud of me at afternoon tea
Telling the girls of all the lives I save

I do my share of dumpster diving
That's where I got the idea
Behind a real doctors office one day
With some of their stationary I nabbed

I did a little doctoring
After all I do play one in Moms mind
Doesn't look too lame where I inserted my name
Then wrote my Mom about the kids and the wife

I've created such an elaborate charade
It's now gotten all out of hand
As I panhandle my way up and down
The Sunshine states surf and sand

Mom now says she wants to visit
Can't wait to meet the wife and kids
Don't know how I let it get this crazy
And how it all lead up to this

Now I'm scrambling to find a vacant house and a woman
With a couple of kids that look just like me
That can go along with a ruse for a week in mid-June
Since I told her that's when  I'd be free

I'm thinking I should of studied in college
Instead of being this mind numbing huckster
Telling lie after deepening lie
Just so my Mother would think I'm a doctor
 Aug 2017 Paul
Star BG
A simple word
a gesture with smile
opens ears and hearts
no matter where you roam.

Efharisto, Toh-dah, Mahalo, Takk, gamsahabnida
Spasiba,  Khop Khun Mak Kha ,Danke sehr
daw-dyeh, Arigato, Grazie, Merci Gracias
Thank you

A simple phase
a voice that echoes
Try one on for size.
One size fits all.

Greek– Hebrew– Hawaiian– Icelandic– Korean– Russian– Thai– 
German– Chinese– Japanese– Italian–French– Spanish– English–
Blessings all.  Thank you all for being here and for lighting up world with your work.
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