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  Aug 2017 coqueta
Marietta Ginete
I dream of dancing with you.
Although, I'm not exactly good at it.
I dream about just us two,
Dancing and moving together, sounds fun, I'll admit.

I would love to dance,
as long as it's with you.
I'd give dancing a chance,
if you taught me how to.

I'm sorry if I step on your feet.
I'm not the best dancer.
I'll try to move with the beat,
I'll distract you from her.
Dancing never really was my thing.
coqueta Apr 2017
These one-shot wounds are piling up
Hit me again, one bullet’s not enough
Don’t stop firing till we’re corpses walking
Measly hateful human bodies rotting

My lashing tongue goads you into the fight
Broken bodies fighting for bruised pride
Burning tears are your only defense
And beautiful make-up to hide battered flesh

Meanwhile, I’ll wear a costume made of words
To hide the melted plastic burns
We can both easily lie to a world of fools
At least, until the next uncivilized duel
I know that every single fight is my fault. Every wound is my fault.
coqueta Mar 2017
What once was a picture
Is losing shape
With beautiful colors
That blur on the page
It won’t fit between the lines
And the image starts to fade

Yet I’m beginning to realize
There’s art in my mistake
Mistakes lead to the most beautiful art
  Nov 2016 coqueta
What most people don't realize is,
Death is relative.
You decide your own destiny,
Whether to go quietly,
Or to use it for your purpose.

I don't intend to slowly fade.
I plan to go nova.
Spread the heat of countless stars,
Create a black hole,
And take the entire ******* universe with me.

*Ut mori solent stellae vivere...
"To die like a star is to live..."

— The End —