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Dev Mar 2018
A giggle a sweet as cotton candy,
Curled hair just like swirls
Blue eyes with pure bliss inside them.
Few teeth, looks just like a pearl.

A roar as fierce as any lions,
A stomp to shake the world.
Blonde hair, reminds me of someone else
And his fist rolled up ready to hurl.

But both of them are one and the same,
Just different fragments of light.
I hold them so close in my heart,
As I cuddle them both goodnight.
Went to my nieces baptism today and was just overwhelmed by my love for her and her brother,
So this came out :-)
Dev Mar 2018
Touch my cheek again,
Let's see if your breath stops halfway through your throat like time is frozen.
Like mine did.

Brush my knee again,
And watch as the hairs on my legs rise, and goosebumps pop up haphazardly to say hello
Because- oh my god, what am I doing

And turn away again,
Because saying that sentence has snapped you out of a trance, and you've realized again.
I'm not her. And trust me, it hurts me just as much.

Then leave again,
Let me wonder why I ever let you into my heart, just to watch it shatter into a thousand crimson drops as you exit.
But this time?
Don't come back.
If you're here, be here for good.
Dev Mar 2018
I am like a sink full of soapy water.
Bubbly, happy, and clean...

On the outside, at least.

Dip your hand in, you'll find that I'm still
Warm, relatively clean until...

You slice your hand on the knife hidden just underneath those shiny bubbles

I'm sorry if I hurt you,

But you shouldn't stick your hand into soapy water

If you aren't prepared to deal with the damage
And when you cut your hand in my sink, it bleeds into me, and changes everything.
Dev Mar 2018

I have fallen too far down the rabbit hole,
And I am afraid to look up.
Because I can already see their spiteful faces
Sneering and spitting out venom laced words

We knew you weren't good enough

I am too far gone down the track
And I am too riddled with guilt to stop.
Because I can hear them screaming,
Crying out, pleading with me

I wish you'd just be good enough

I have travelled too deep into this dark, lush forest
And I cannot see it for it's trees anymore
Because all I know is
I have to be good enough.

No matter what

I don't think I'll ever be able to truly see the forest for the trees, what a silly phrase :-)
  Mar 2018 Dev

A girl that I know is brighter then the rest
She has golden highlights dyed into her hair
She's got pale blue eyes that reflect the world
And she's got a gorgeous smile that makes her glow

The girl that I know is quite small
She's around 5'3 which is like nothing at all
She likes to state that This way im closer to hell
But I laugh it off and it's all quite swell

The girl that I know is fairly easy going
She's quiet and sweet and somehow outgoing
She sarcastic, witty and a bit of a flirt
But in all honesty she is secretly hurt

She's got a few boys that she strings along for fun
But that's all platonic to all except one
It was her little secret, at least for awhile
Until her best friend told everyone within a mile

In a split instant the whole country knew
People knew her business and her reputation grew
People began to think that she was surely a ****
But you dont know her at all so keep your mouth shut

Her best friends a hypocrite and we all knew that well
Without realizing it, she had made her life hell
Telling her boyfriend everything is good and all
But there comes a certain point where there is a line to draw

This girl that I knew had no more secrets, none at all
As she told me this, her tears fell like a waterfall
how ******* dare she!
she's your best friend I exclaim
How could she do this, Has she no shame

The girl that I know isint like the stories
She's overreacts about little things and gets quite worried
she's bright, brave and fairly clever
She's a black belt, a sensei, she's so much better
She complains about her three buttons while everyone else has four  
And she talks about her life and about the simple things she adores
So how is it that people still call her a *****?

We go to the gym and then eat pizza instead
We watch barbie movies and fall asleep in her bed
We talk about life on an old rooftop
While eating buckets of ice cream till we have to stop

I know the girl better then she knows herself
I know the stories better then anyone else
I know the scars hidden deep within her eyes
And I know and have seen the tears that she has cried

So how can the world be so cruel?
When all that's she's done is just gone to school
She talked and became friends with some guys
So how can people create such lies?

All people think its their right to judge
But what right does it give you to hold such a grudge?
You say its just a joke everyone spread rumors
Let's me hear you say it again, when its your turn as the loser
So tell me then, is that to your humor?     .
  Mar 2018 Dev
Tiana Marie
You seem to have forgotten
about all the times we shared.
It seems it slipped your mind
that we're better as a pair.

You seem to not remember
all those beautiful restless days.
It seems your memory escapes you
and our love was just a phase.

Did you lose your memory?
Or was it purposely erased?
Is there a way I can restore it?
Or has our love been just a waste?
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