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575 · Aug 2018
Have you ever peeled an orange?
Felt the satisfaction as the smooth husk glides
Right off, falls away in a rush
Opening to the sweet flesh inside

Taking pleasure in the simple things
Those smooth and flawless actions
So why should flaying men be different?
Why the cruel infractions?

You say you scream from pain
But I hear the rejoicing
Hidden in your shrieks
As I flay the skin right off your face
Revealing the ****** smile
Concealed beneath your cheeks

Ah, the rush, the thrill
Peeling you like a fallen fruit
Elation takes me to new heights
As I joyfully flay your skin suit

My concentration becomes delight
As I open you up to new views
The rapturous beauty
Your muscles, tendons, bones, and sinews
I asked for unusual poem prompts.
I received this:
"The sweet feeling of flaying skin off muscle."

Blood chilling. But here's my best shot.
460 · Sep 2018
In my dreams
We run together
You kick off the stilettos
Bounding through heather-filled fields
Boundless meadows

I lie next to you
Enamored, obsessed
Time stops as you steal
My heart and my breath

You lay your head gently
Across my chest
We release inhibitions
Let go of the stress

Our lips lock
Bodies intertwine
Passion burns
Beauty shines

Joy erupts in my soul
Reunited at last
Unrequited love
My blast from the past

My deepest longing
Clasping my hand
Too bad I know
It's all in dreamland

I sleep next to her
While I'm here by your side
Yearning to find you
As I drift off each night

She's not you
That makes my heart break
So trap me here in my dreams
Don't let me awake
362 · Jul 2018
lost in the woods
the sky darkens
as night draws near
the forest grows quiet
as closer draws fear

the shadows lurk
between bushes and trees
dread grows larger
with all that he sees

lost in these woods
without a trace
just terror in his bones
and fear on his face

the sights are scary
but worse is the sound
he looks for a path
but none can be found

dark shapes surround
he feels them close in
no escape from these beasts
in the woods and within
343 · Sep 2018
Lost & Found
Holy words tell me
If you wanna find your life
You first gotta lose it
But I need you to sell me
On how the pain gives meaning
I need you to prove it

Cause now it just hurts
I can't believe I lost him
He's gone
We checked all the right boxes
Made all the right moves
He a worthy king
But I a lowly pawn

I've lost the one I love
And just as much
I feel I've lost my life
So what words from above
Can heal the hurt
Overcome the strife?

What's left to be found?
I treasure nothing anymore
Those holy words ring hollow
Don't tell me what's in store

And yet

I remain strong
Though I so deeply long
To hold him again
For even a day
I let him go freely
And I know
It's true what they say
All will be right

So now I just pray
To endure this long night
With a hope shining bright
That tomorrow
I'll find my way

For things we lose
Have a strange way
Of coming back again
So in the end
The loss will be
Worth the pain
To jumpstart
This breakaway

— The End —