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Armand-DeamoJC Oct 2018
Giving up
is easier
letting go
I needed my bestfriend at this moment and she just read my message and didn't say ****, sometimes we have to figure out how to stay alone, instead of being alone
Armand-DeamoJC Oct 2018
I thought of it again
and it seemed slightly
sweet and what a bright
withered memory it left
Some parts of me want it
Something inside me is
aching to go back there
Bothering me to find
the right people and
find my way back in
Armand-DeamoJC Sep 2018
Here I lay in my comfort composure
Listening to every rythm of my music
Removing my white earphone to listen
To listen to the beauty of nature raining
Picturing myself as a randrop falling; free
Picturing the placid movement of water
Moving as one, cold breeze and falling with heavy gravitational pull
Thinking back to when I'd lay in
Listening to every perfect beat of your heart
Concentrating on the whispers of your spirit
Being attentive to your chords as you release them
Piercing my mind, quaking
through my flesh
To simply un-wither that was even desintegrated
Your love circulating my veins
By speaking
Rippling accross my seams
Bolting through my body more
than any drug ever
Hanging me on your hook
Touring to the meadow in my
Conquering the battles in my
Re-writing the words on my page
that is life
After enough re-painting
Of my story
You started to un-write my book
Crossing the hearts
Tearing the written pages
Oh how I could only stand and
Oh how all you did, difficultly
The whispers your soul gave
Cleared and filléd my mind
Was I abandoned by your heart
So easily the welcoming door
Became an unbidden command
This hour
Is when I play it back;
Remenisce about it
Laying alone, in discomfort
Listening to no beats
Not even one of my own
Then I close my eyes violently
Shoving back the emotion
To silently replay those words
I love you
Crashing down
Bolting tar through my body
Poisoning my mind
Rippling through my veins
That same poison
Is what I use
To **** inside me
What demons creep
See the story has a twist
What I feared most
What demons I feared even more
Is exactly what I became
The poison inside me
Crisply ogling at me
Inside the cage
Inside what
We call a
A very long poem yes I know, if you read this far thank you. It's 03:26 and I just think back to the best days of my life
Armand-DeamoJC Sep 2018
Only when she slid her hands down his seams
To perfectly understand
What holds him together
She became
The most dangerous
In the
The girl I loved for so long found my every perfect seam and knew what held me together, then ripped me apart
Armand-DeamoJC Sep 2018
I've fought this battle
In my own mind
I was a sheperd to cattle
Trained by kind

The war of the dictionary
Every word in conflict
Where my heart's stationary
And impossible to predict

The perfect illumination
Is the apiphany
Of my every creation
and becomes my symphony

When my words are together
I'll be satisfied forever
Armand-DeamoJC Sep 2018
She said he's an angel,
he knew his demons well
She said he's perfect,
He knew she's perfect
She said she loved him,
He loved her so much
She said she'd love him forever,
He loves her even after


She said she hates him,
He said he loves her
She wished him dead,
He wished him dead
She pushed him away,
He puller her closer
She moved on,
He let go so slightly
She's with him now,
He respects them
She forgave him,
He spoke to her again
She hates him,
He hates him
She's gone forever
He lives wherever
High enough in his own reality
My mind's messed up about this same girl again. I'm taking a break from poetry unless my mind works again
Armand-DeamoJC Sep 2018
Our love was meant to be eternal,
But our love
Was wishéd upon the sun
Bound together as the sun shines
Unbound forever as the sun sets
Our love was meant to be eternal,
But our love
Was not wishéd upon the moon
Bound together as the moon shines
Bound forever, for the moon sets not
Why this girl haunts my mind, I do not know. They say it takes at most 8 months to move past a breakup. It's been 6 months, and the only thing that changed is I stopped reminiscing and sulking.
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