People smile and say I'm magnetic,
that I "draw people in";
They don't understand, though I wish I could tell them.
I wish I could tell them that one day I looked at the sky and saw thousands of stars, and that they were beautiful but all the same until my eyes were drawn into glorious light. A star brighter than any of the others. That my eyes lingered and widened in awe of such a powerful sight. I needed to know more about this incredible star. I learned it's name: Sirius
I learned that one day Sirius will collapse and become a black hole that will destroy every thing in its path. It will ruin those that are drawn to it with a force so powerful that light will not escape it's grasp.
It's a beautiful star. But, one day it will ruin everything When they tell me I'm magnetic, with smiles and compliments, I yearn to tell them this. I yearn to warn them of the beautiful and destructive, magnetic star.