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I have an illustrious dream,
     want to be Leonard
          Cohen's gypsy wife,
he's kissing my lips on
    Boogie Street,
impetuously we dance
    to the end of love
       'til closing time
       midst his secret life,
he serenades me with
     I'm your man
         when we take Manhattan,
bewildered by his poetic beauty there
     waiting for the miracle to happen,
a sip of wine, a cigarette
         in love we disappear,
   here it is, you got me singing
        be that dog in heat,
I'll take this waltz and
   another please, cause
             everybody knows
     I hunger for your touch,
  his famous blue raincoat
         and the dew on my thigh
goes a thousand kisses deep
   in the cave at the tip of the lily
  with its very own breath of brandy,
slipping into the masterpiece
             where Lenny is eternal
If you don't love Leonard Cohen's poetry and music, it probably won't make much sense.
I forever love you, I forever worship you.
For you are always good , no matter what.
Only you know our beginnings and endings.
So I shall trust all of your Merciful decisions.
For only you know each outcome of each one.
That we your people shall make each day.
Even though we might not give them a second thought.
We fail to realize that they might come with penalties
None the less the penalty might end up destroying us.
But you whom are our protector fixes them though what you allow us.
 Jul 2015 DaRk IcE
Deep within
 Jul 2015 DaRk IcE

I wrote our initials in the sand
surrounded by a large heart
on a late summer afternoon
as the sun was setting,
then dove into a twilight ocean
waiting for the tide to come in
so that I could drown again
*deep within the love of us
Good night beautiful
 Jul 2015 DaRk IcE
We're the generation that doesn't believe in love and love has no value or purpose. It's so easy for us to meet the love we think we require through a virtual world of electronic sites. Claiming you can meet the love of your life right here right now. Love doesn't simply exist in this world. How could it when you have so many ways to find it? Therefore, it's not the kinda love that's pure and rare. The love that your grandparents or parents that are still together after 50 plus years know. How they've struggled through the good and bad moments, fighting for their love til their dying days. Knowing their partner was the right choice and never second guessing.
We're the generation, surrounded by non believers, it's hard to keep love afloat. Still there's apart of me that wants to show them that no matter what, love does exist. True love and maybe even soul mates do, still exist? That being married and having the right partner to grow old with does exist? That real men are still out there and if treated right and cared for will have your back and be everything you ever wanted. You know it's takes a good strong woman to build a beautiful life, but she needs to feel loved and secured by her man. Hence, always reassured that he's still in love with her.
We're the generation that's so easily to dispose of love and people. Sadden by this reality, I will fight for my marriage and not be apart of the norm. Cause our love will surpass all obstacles. I don't want to end up like my disposable generation, so quick to lose what's real. I want to invest and take the time and keep loving the same parnter over and over again and finding new ways to keep our love strong. Marriage does have meaning, it's not suppose to be a joke. It's supposed to be through thick and thin. Besides, you know with this person you are a better person. They helped breathe new life into you and showed you how to be loved. Not to mention maybe even challenged you to be better than you thought you could ever be. Love does have value and to know love like that is rare.
We're the generation missing out on what the world really needs. What people searching their whole lives looking for? Never really knowing what pure unconditional love is. Always expecting disappointment. Perhaps there is a secret to a long and happy marriage that nobody ever tells you, but I'm willing to find out.
We're the next generation they're  gonna be reading about later on and so forth. I want them to know that love did in fact exist in some cases, it did. And they were the lucky ones.
I want to let you know how I feel
But I decided against that idea
I might use a thousand words but still
I doubt you'll understand me dear

I want to walk side by side
With you interlocking our arms
But its hard to decide
Even though my heart yearns

I want you know about my illusive dreams
So that you understand why I am afraid
But I can't with undying screams
Resonating inside my head

I want to give you the best of kisses
But I know you cannot be my Mrs
He was dancing between forces of light and darkness.
His eyes celebrated journey of sun in the sky
looking in it for ancient knowledge
invoking light and fire of all stars
praying to divine source of goodness
pretending to be white lunar light.
He told me' You must be light to give light,
fire to give fire in this dark world.
All living matter belongs to light.
All living matter is thought of God.'
I needed him as I need breath to live and die,
as astrology influence of stars and planets
as east west to embrace direction
as plants cosmic rays to exist
as body cells Infinite Intelligence to guide
as child womb to grow .
I guess he has good heart underneath
worthy miracles come to him
even if he appears to me like black moon
hungry for light to experience pure moments.
He called me Venus, Isthar.
I called him hidden mystery of universe.
We both spoke soul to soul
with codex of love
and sacredness of spirits.
I was Divine Godess filled
with smell of white roses
illuminating his mind.
When night came
he loved me with power of Gods
embracing my crown between stars.
Showing me constellations and moon
he became almighty Creator
giving brigtness of all of cosmic creation to me.
My mother told me
'Choose your man wisely.'
But what is wisely
doesn't come from heart.
He was first man
who didn't break my heart
and shattered my dreams.
I choosed him following my heart
and voice residing between my heart,
fate and God's inspirations.
When he looked in my eyes he told me
'Vision of God is clear to me.
Loving you I am one with His light.
You gave me eyes of God.
I am godlike, goddess like
I am His wings of Love above all
Existing only for you and our love.
I am prayer of your heart.'
Angels created intimacy and ecstasy
between our bodies and worlds.
Sacrifice, sweetness was my gift to him.
'Guiding lantern of my heart' he called me.
Holding his head in my arms close to chest
I was morning and evening star glorifying law of love .
He was guardian Angel of my day and nights
rebirth of my soul to escape death
music and poems of my longings
force of attraction between our hearts.
It was romance of souls and minds,
body to body, spirit to spirit
intimacy of clouds carrying our hearts
close to Mars,
closeness of bodies, kiss of breaths
unity of flames, memory of Eden.
My mother told me 'Choose your man wisely.'
All I know heart is wiser than mind.
Listen your inner voice
blood, veins and cells
God's whispers of intuition
and you will find the one.
This love is return to Source,
fullfilment of human emptiness
not caring for pride, humanity.
It's nakedness of souls
celebrating acts of closeness
not looking for any other lover
not knowing beginning and end
of falling in love and being in love.
'Let his fires and silence burn you.'
pure passion whispered.
I choosed wisely.
Soul to soul.
Heart to heart.
Fire to fire.
God making two one.
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