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Destre' Feb 2018
Sweet smoke in her lungs
clouds fill her head
Move down to a sticky feeling between her legs
pushed past her stomach and intestines; buried in her guts
flashes of fresh fruit come dancing across her bed
 Strawberries, Bananas
 Peaches and Pomegranates
Her stomach in her throat
Her heart pounding in her head
A rapid heart beat and sparkling nausea leaves things unsaid
Destre' Feb 2018
I thought this was a painting I hadn't started
but its a collage with sections like open water
With territories left uncharted
I've got some strange inspiration
Destre' Dec 2017
Im trying to get back into this writting thing, you see?
Because I feel like I've lost touch with a huge part of me.
When I write I sound diffrent than I do in my head,
diffrent than how I sound laying in bed,
You see? I'm trying to resurrect this part of me that's dead
(Or dying)

I miss it,
I miss thinking for myself,
(Not that I've ever thought for someone else)
but I want to get back in my skin.
Not deep enough to drown,
just deep enough to make a sound.
new years resolution: Write something every day, even if its short and not very good.
Destre' Dec 2017
My life's a huge joke...
Wait, wait, wait, it's funny, I swear, I'm just about to get to the punchline
... And nobody cares!
Destre' Dec 2017
Blurry vision
And bad decisions

A rush of heat
And a bit of relief

Your hand between my thighs
God that look in your eyes

When it hits I feel like I'm flying
Part of me is probably dying

Inhaling sunshine and fresh cut grass
Man, this **** tastes like ***

Soft Kisses turn heated and sloppy
***** it, get on top of me
Destre' Dec 2017
Little piece of paper
What have you done for me?
I sat on the porch and thought
"How have I never noticed the world is this pretty?"

To be continued...
Destre' Jan 2017
Let's start a new chapter*
Where he's kneeling and she sits
Slowly he'd lick his lips
And make a trail with his finger tips
It'd move into vauge sentences
Simple movements
Shapes and colors
Imaginations thrown into overdrive
filling in the blanks
Thought up
All cought up, in some girls daydream
She decided to write it down... With more detail
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