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The emotions of a relation
only draws me closer to the ship
You say you're capable of loving me
I give the zero doubts for I've been fallen for you before the first breath of life
I love you whole heartedly
If God had not molded you any sooner
Where would my heart be?
In raging pain of a broken heart fixed on loves entity and existence
By: Leory Santana Dawn
people are so much more than the labels we stick on them
sorry I stuck so many on you
I always enjoy your comments and criticisms
Sometimes, the poems only resonate in the space between the sky and your eyes

Your words are tape, the only heart they will know is the shattered pieces of your own that you hold in the palms of your hands

Sometimes, the poems are only just enough to stop the blood from dripping through your fingers, not pretty, not inspiring

Your words are nothing that the world will ever clutch to its chest in its darkest hour, pointing to them as if to say
There is still poetry!

But they are yours.
Your poetry, your tape stretched across the fragments of your heart.
And in the space between the sky and your eyes,
Your words will always be a masterpiece.
Sometimes I wonder if I should delete the poems that don't get hearts or likes. That voice inside my head says that they're clearly not good enough or that I'm a bad writer. This is my answer to myself.
What a dull day
Completely unworthy
Of a poem
Destiny will guide our paths,
Into a land of forever.
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