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Cerasium Jun 2017
These tears that are shed and the hurt that's between us
The unseen problems we have yet to face
The things of hurt and denial
heartache and suffering

And yet as long as we have a person
The one person that matters most
Nothing can hurt us forever
With their loving embrace as we look at each other

The world is never the same
It is hard to tell
but throughout it all my love will only grow
Cerasium Jun 2017
Through that which has never traveled
This lonely path of self inflicted pain
We see the clear night sky
And the treasure of the star

For with their light brings
The hope of a new beginning
The prosper of a new loving relationship

Though many may ignore
The true spark of friendship
It will never elude the soul
Cerasium Jun 2017
Everyone is leaving
My heart is breaking
the torture inside is heavy weighing
This life has gone to the point of torture
yet the tears remain silent

My face is a mask to hide what I feel
No one must know the pain that is real
The face who shows boredom and laughter
The face that everyone sees

Just shows the mirage that a tortured soul created
All who think I am a happy soul has not learned
To look past my perfect mask
The mask of happiness
Love and laughter
Cerasium Jun 2017
I see you there
saying your crying and yet
The laughter on your face says different
I longed to be with you and yet you have another

I hide my pain and it boils up
till it is ready to flow over
I hold back the tears for they betray the mask
My perfect mask is going to snap

A crack starts spreading and spreading far
And yet you can't see this pain leaking out
My tears are flowing and flowing hard
Yet you laugh just the same

When will you see that you are to blame
My tears turn cold and flow even faster
My heart feels stabbing and yet you stay the same
I loved you from the beginning and you said you did to

You wanted me forever and yet you're a sunder
My life is crashing and you still don't care
The pain I feel
The tears I shed
Or the love I gave
Cerasium Jun 2017
The tears that fall are just a symbol
The symbol of real love and affection
Some tears are great and yet some are fake
The tears that I was, am and will be shedding are true

These tears are genuine and will be forever
They mean more than anything I can ever say or do
The only question is
do you see?

See these tears that never cease
The tears of sadness and pain
Tears of lost and confusion

And yet
tears of hope
Of love
Of compassion

Tears that wish
That pray
That dream of your return
Tears that beg you to be the only one

The one who cares
Who loves
Who caresses
Who holds

These tears are a blessing
Not just a curse
They tell you that someone cares
That someone love
Someone understands

These tears can only be swept away
Thrown away
Cast out
Banished to oblivion
Only by true love's touch

And yet
True love
Is the hardest
To find.
Cerasium Jun 2017
Times were perfect
they were kind and loving
You had a sparkle in your eye
That made the world bright with love

The distance was great
Yet it wasn't an issue till one day
You told me its hard
You want us closer
But to be friend is enough for now

The pain worsened the more we were friends
The ***** ups I did just made things worse
My love has grown stronger and stronger
Yet it is not enough

In order to get you back I must be by your side
Times are tough and greater still
I love you so much that time stands still
I see you there alone

No one by your side and I crave
That someone will be me again
This pain and misery is far to great
Yet I long your your touch
your kissing embrace

These nights without you have made me miserable
I just wish once you see my tears
These tears of love and pure of heart
They yearn for you to wipe them away

They look to you with a tortured soul
Leaking through the glistening light
They wish you would come back to wipe them away
Even if it is just one more time
Cerasium Jun 2017
My soul hast gone and yet on fire
The burning remains in its place
Where thy soul has gone

Has left me to wonder
Where is the love
That once made me shudder
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