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  Feb 2020 Carmen Jane
I've drank the finest of wine
Down to the bottom of the bottle
Only to witness an ocean alone
Barely surviving my own hands

A fire burned through my viens
That was blew out by the wind
Breezing through the leaves
A calmness that sits with me
Before calmness dismisses me

I walked across the tallest blue sky
Where wide winged birds soar high
Til promises of white clouds turn grey
And so there I fell with the rain
Dripping through the lowest gutter

Many times I was buried, lying in dirt
Like a grave, needing no help
Finding the dark inside of myself
But I always rise with the blades
Of the greenest fresh spring grass

No matter what feeling I catch
None of them seem to everlast
  Feb 2020 Carmen Jane
I want her too much
I'm just a good dude

I always support her
I'm one of her fool's

I've had enough
I'm up to my neck

As much as I try
I cannot connect

It's time to move on
My heart is a door

I'll love her forever
Just not any more.
Traveler Tim
Let it shine let it shine.this gift of love
Let it spread let it glow from heaven above
Let it find those darkened places
And put a smile on saddened faces.

Let it shine like the sun from above
Let it spread like the wings of a dove
Let those grey skies turn too blue
And help those dreams all come true .

Let it shine let it shine this gift of love
Let it spread let it glow from heaven above
Let it seek for those lonely hearts
And find two lovers who will never part.

Let it shine and never let it fade
Let it be there every day
Let it be that  shining light
Love is a need in all of our lives.
  Feb 2020 Carmen Jane
On a winters's day
We parted ways

Neither begging for the other to stay
I watched her go
So fell the first snow

Then came spring
The season where nature sings

Like the seasons
Everything has a reason

Life goes on...
I miss her,but I smile for she is happy.
Time has eased my pain.
  Feb 2020 Carmen Jane
White for my best friend, that's you
Pink for the girlish smile that stole my heart
Yellow for all the mornings I woke up with you, and yes I know it's your favorite color
Red for the love of my life
Orange for all the golden moments we shared
Purple for even more color for the days to come!
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